Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Architect's Dream: Phase Two

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Level 21 : Expert Miner
After leaving Minecraft for almost 2-3 years, I decided to start playing Minecraft again. But, being it has been a couple of years since my days of building very basic wooden houses, so I decided to challenge myself and build as many experimental houses I can do and I call this new project: Architects Dream. Each and every house is fully furnished and landscaped, so feel free to look around and feel free to use some of my buildings as inspiration to build your own houses.

UPDATE: This is Phase two of Architect's Dream, it is the same world but a new area with new houses.

Required Texture Pack: FLOWS HD (Any version after 1.13)
Recommended Shader Pack: Sildur's Shaders (Look Best in these shaders)
Progress100% complete

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12/29/2019 5:53 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
That's a masterpiece! Everything is original but it's assorted and fits in the same style damn I wish I could build some houses like that. I'm waiting to see what's going to come next!
08/16/2019 8:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
please keep going, your buildings are really beautiful and amazing and have a really nice touch on them, each of them is a goddamn masterpiece on its own , and I'm waiting for phase 3 to see more of your masterminding creativness !!!
05/21/2019 2:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ok my dude i dont se alot of cool things on this website but these pictures bless my soul u have build something amazing and im speachless stay blessed my dude greate art work
-BTW from Norway cant speak english so well
05/20/2019 11:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
super mapa
