Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Ardrakul - Fortress of evil

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Level 33 : Artisan Mage
And again greets to the whole community and all builders out there! :)

We have a very special build this time. It was started by Loridus and odstsuper1 for the nethercontest at the beginning but we needed more time for it and though made it even better ;) When this was started there were still other people in the team who worked on this build aswell. So as you can see it needed quite some time till it got uploaded... but now its here ;)

For the style we went with something we thought is special, as Alerion always tries to make something thats different. We wanted it to look evil but also beautifull, leading to this castle like design. The build has a whole interior which resembles an evil counterpart to the St. Peter´s. We made a city for it, a port in lava with ships, a kraken, etc. Be sure to watch the cinematic, there you can see all of it ;)

We are a team who aim to put as much effort as possible into each and every build! Our aim is to get a bigger name and become recognised and distinguished in the amazing Minecraft community!
If you are interested in us, in any way :P Take a good look at our PMC page; all of the info is there! So if you would like to become involved in the team then why not go ahead and apply? We are always looking for great builders! :D
Also check out our Twitter for nice updates!! And believe us, there will be nice things to come :D https://twitter.com/Loridus

If you liked this be sure to show us some support for our hard work by Diamonding, Commenting and Subscribing for more!

Right now Alerion is working on a highquality Adventuremap, which will be free to download once we post! Stay tuned for more to come :D

Evil always wanted to strike against the forces of good. But till now there wasnt a chance to do so and they needed to wait...
Now they are more powerful than ever! Their citadel stands tall and strong their fleet keeps growing and the creatures on their side want to fight...
How will it turn out for the army of the good people? Once the netherarmy goes through the gate a fight will start...
Ardrakul is awake and wants to get what they think is theirs...
freekm1234 (and thx for the nice render 4)
CreditA really big thanks to AnEpicDuo for the awesome job they did on the cinematic and renders. They always put 110% into everything they make! Check them out: http://www.youtube.com/user/AnEpicPlayerName
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Alerion-Creations 08/17/2014 8:44:26 amAug 17th, 2014

-Added a finished download, Interior is complete, Lava is fixed, holes are closed, tower is repaired

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Mine Maus Craft
04/12/2015 2:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Great work :-)
09/07/2014 3:27 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pony
Nice =p
08/18/2014 2:47 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Alerion <3
04/02/2014 5:00 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Man i remember that build
04/02/2014 5:01 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Also i built da mustaches, why arent i listed?
03/29/2014 9:41 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Farmer
Great color scheme used!

People have a hard time with incorporating landscapes but you have figured out.
03/25/2014 11:03 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
I would like to feature you for next week's best minecraft project show. May I use a portion of your video for your part of the feature? I will credit you in the video and link to this project and the video itself.

03/25/2014 3:47 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Mage
sure, go ahead :)
03/25/2014 2:59 am
Level 47 : Master Fox
03/24/2014 4:52 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Blob
dem streets :P
