Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Battersea Power Station

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legoguy110's Avatar legoguy110
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
This is the Battersea Power Station In london this power plant has the iconic twin tower smoke stack design which made this building famose.
This Build is on a server Whitelist only (for now) IP:

Some more cretit goes to the origanal disiner of this build Windows_weirdo
viset and Sub to him By CLICKING MEEE!!

f you would like a dowload or you would like to see the Power plant in all its glory come on to the server or PM me to get you a downloade Tahnks so mutch

Lvl. 16
Journeyman Engineer
Progress75% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by legoguy110 11/04/2014 5:11:09 pmNov 4th, 2014

added few more pics 1 interrer 2 moe extearier

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01/28/2015 9:22 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
FirmusPiett's Avatar
Awesome :) I used to live near this, you've done a great job with it
Download button doesn't seem to work :S!
01/29/2015 11:11 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
legoguy110's Avatar

That is really cool, can you tell me how acrit it is to the actual Battersea Power Station.
And sorry ill try to get u a schematics to the Power Station and a download if possible.

01/30/2015 4:11 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
FirmusPiett's Avatar
Very accurate in its appearance. I can't really fault it beyond the tops of the funnels and the scale; the chimneys are white all the way to the top, they just appear blackened in photos perhaps (I don't know exactly) because of marks from the smoke they used to let off. So The size; I just looked it up, is 108m height.

An excerpt from wikipedia: "The building's gross dimensions measure 160 metres (520 ft) by 170 metres (560 ft), with the roof of the boiler house standing at over 50 metres (160 ft). Each of the four chimneys is made from concrete and stands 103 metres (338 ft) tall with a base diameter of 28 ft tapering to 22 ft at the top." It looks slightly smaller than that. If you did want to make it bigger I imagine it would be easiest to use MCEdit to clone it to 1.5 size or whatever is needed, rather than rebuild it. I don't think it's all that bad anyway, not saying it needs a redesign or anything. Far from. Just giving feedback like you asked. I think it's  very good :D

Oh btw these cranes might interest you too. They're located on the little pier outside Battersea power station on the thames. I think they were for heaving coal out of barges moored to the pier. They're defunct now like the power stations but still there, and pretty tall as you can see.
01/30/2015 8:43 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
legoguy110's Avatar
Thank you for the feed back the black on the picuer is a lighting eror every time its edited the saim lighting error comes in to play we dont have the new lighting becsue we are on 1.7.10 and 1.8 introduse a new lighting system. And thank you for the feed ack it is always nice to know that I'm acuret to the building im going for.

