Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

BetterThanWolves 4-Floor Automatic Elevator

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briman0094's Avatar briman0094
Level 17 : Journeyman Nerd
I was experimenting with the BetterThanWolves mod one day, and I decided to try and make a 4-floor elevator that worked like a real one. This is what came out. You can push the button at any floor to call the elevator to that floor, and you can push the buttons inside the elevator to go to the other floors. The only part that isn't like a real elevator is the fact that it doesn't have a floor request queue, so if it is moving to floor 1 and somebody calls it to floor 4 it will turn around and go to floor 4. This project requires BetterThanWolves (duh...) and the Wireless Redstone mod (yay no wires!).

Better Than Wolves: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/253365-173-better-than-wolves-mod-v281-upd-july-17/
Wireless Redstone: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/328725-173wireless-redstone-v14/

P.S. It even includes an automated hemp farm!
CreditFlowerChild for BetterThanWolves, ali4z for Wireless Redstone
Progress100% complete

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04/15/2012 3:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
abzu93's Avatar
Not sure what Minecraft version this is for. 1.1?
Strangely, whenever I load this save, either into MC 1.2.3 - 1.2.5 with BTW and WR the transmitter and receiver always gets converted to a nether fence or netherwart.
Item ID's -- Netherwart: 113 Nether fence: 115 WR Receiver: 126 WR Transmitter: 127
09/04/2011 11:31 pm
Level 45 : Master Lava Rider
ryguy0808's Avatar
I understand that Wireless redstone mod is more Popular but Mighty Porks : Radio mod is MUCH better. It has no limit to how far you can go. It repowers the redstone when it meets and just seems much easier to use. Also the reason im telling you this is. Can you please make a version using this instead of Wireless redstone? just think about it at least :)
09/05/2011 3:14 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Nerd
briman0094's Avatar
I'll think about it. I have sorta left Better than Wolves due to some gamebreaking glitches, but I think they might have been fixed by now. I'll look into it.
