Minecraft Maps / Complex

Big underground library

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Level 20 : Expert Architect

I´ve made another library, this one is a bit larger this my first one.

The library´edge lengths are about 50x50x105, it consists out of more than 29000 bookshelves and it has got 13 floors all connected with a staircase in the middle. Each floor consist out of 25 "pieces", a piece is a 9x9 blocks wide box, they are arranged in a 5x5 square. A floor has also one staircase and 6 empty pieces to look through the library and to made the whole building more open and airy.

The library has no entrance or exit, because it should be a bit like a sunken, hidden or lost library without any possibility to get in or even to find it.


(I´ve made no world around it, because I thought it wasn´t necessary to make it for an underground building)

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