Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Bobs highway road pack (for building a city)

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Level 20 : Expert Crafter
If u use this for one of your projects, please either credit me or send me on discord what ur using it for (discord name: gdbobplop)
I whould love to see what yall build!

Hello everyone, i made this highway road pack, since myself i used to find it rlly hard to make highways, and never saw a pack like this online, so i thought why not help others by making one myself! It has turns/corners, intersections, and more, and its perfect for building cities! Hope yall can rlly use this for your projects, if u do, please send it 2 me!

You can use these with mods like worldedit or axiom

More packs and world previews coming soon....
Progress100% complete

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11/06/2024 4:16 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
