Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

BOUND BY EVIL - Co-Op Action RPG [1.16.4 - Optifine] V1.2

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panR4IN's Avatar panR4IN
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer

BOUND BY EVIL is my newest, and to this date, most expansive adventure map. Bound by Evil will try to bring back the retro-feeling of good ol' dungeon crawling, exploration and looting. Inspired by ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile, Bound by Evil is all about slaying evil monsters and acquiring powerful loot to build YOUR character!

Map is built in a retro-style with 8-bit music, heavy emphasis on exploration and all kinds of mazy and extremely dangerous dungeons all waiting to reward you with insane gear for your efforts!

BOUND BY EVIL - Co-Op Action RPG [1.16.4 - Optifine] V1.2 Minecraft Map

BOUND BY EVIL - Co-Op Action RPG [1.16.4 - Optifine] V1.2 Minecraft Map
BOUND BY EVIL - Co-Op Action RPG [1.16.4 - Optifine] V1.2 Minecraft Map


Features and some fun statistics:
-Play in up to 3 players (you can play solo or duo too if you want)
-100+ unique custom mobs
-Hundreds and hundreds of crazy items to find and equip
-Dozens of unique armor sets
-Incredible customization depth - spells, skills on weapons, activatable items and item enchancing accessories
-Items with all kinds of unique properties, such as auras, buffs, stats and more mechanics
-Powerful bosses and enemies with custom attacks
-Custom 3D models for weapons and monsters
-Custom music and sound effects
-Deep gameplay mechanics and events to partake in
-Plenty of side and optional content
-Main storyline with a compelling narrative
-Custom shop and crafting system, scavenge for gold and materials, sell your old gear!

Want to follow this project in more detail, ask questions and talk about it? Come join my server!
Click here to join

Act I - DONE
Act V - 60%
Epilogue - 0%


There is way too many people who's assets have been used to make this project, there will be detailed credits included with the finished map, but the most notable people who contributed are:
Maffhew for creating the base-pack for this map - Excalibur
VelociGamerBR who made plenty of great gear models
Nongko for even more weapon and staves models
Silvathor for the great damage-indicators datapack
Divano for versatile mob health bars datapack
original_tekpir8 for additional armor sets and some mobs
and more...

Progress85% complete

19 Update Logs

VENDOR SHOP UPDATE : by panR4IN 03/27/2024 8:07:24 pmMar 27th

After a long time I'm back with a more meaningful update. Ofcourse meanwhile I've been making progress on the storyline itself, but at the same time I've also been updating and tweaking some of the core systems. One of those systems I wanna highlight in this update log is the Vendor.

has seen significant changes to pricings and item listings. I've added several new vendor-exclusive Spells that are available for purchase as soon as you invest one point into Bartering and unlock Page 2 of the Vendor.
Summon Rage Totem [All Class]
(Summon a Rage Totem in front of you. The Totem will periodically scream, damaging and taunting nearby monsters, while also granting you Strength III)
Summon Ballista Totem [All Class]
(Summon a Ballista Totem in front of you. The Totem will periodically shoot at nearby monsters, dealing high damage)
Siege Ring [Ranger Only]
(Your Ballista Totem now lasts 90s [from default 60s])
The Avtomat [Ranger Only]
(A strange contraption capable of firing in quick bursts. Consumes Arrows)
Lord's Will [Templar Only]
(Mark a location with your cursor. After a delay it gets struck with holy bolt, dealing high area damage)
Warcry [Templar Only]
(Buff yourself with high Strength, Speed and Resistance for a short duration)
Mind Over Matter [Witch Only]
(Activate to momentarily stun and elevate all monsters in vicinity)
Combustion [Witch Only]
(Activate to erupt into flame, casting an aura around yourself that will damage and ignite nearby monsters, also grants you Fire Protection for a duration)

Here's a video of Summon Ballista Totem in action:
Streamable Link

Also here's how The Avtomat look in-game:

The selling side has also been greatly expanded. In addition to anything you could sell before, you can now also sell:

- All Spells and Ability items (for a fixed price of 5000G, so be careful!)
- All Diamond Gear
- All Netherite Gear

- Every type of crafting material at different prices per rarity:
Fine Leather: 100g
Forged Iron: 200g
Forged Gold: 300g
Steel Plates: 300g
Animal Hide: 100g
Sturdy String: 100g
Abyssal Ingot: 500g
Sharp Rock: 50g
Wood: 50g
Imbued Crystals: 100g
Rare Feather: 50g
Elemental Dust: 100g
Empty Book: 50g
Tree Seeds: 50g
Arcane Power: 500g
Magma: 300g
Pixie Dust: 300g


Currently the storyline is in its very last few locations. After that, I will polish the tutorial and setup area (rebuild it), and also run extensive testing of the full map in both single and multiplayer. So there's still quite a lot of work to do, but we're getting close! Stay tuned for the upcoming updates, as the next one may very well announce the map's completion!

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07/18/2023 7:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kataki_'s Avatar
This map is fire! One of the the more quality maps! :D
02/05/2023 10:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Millerires's Avatar
This is the best rpg minecraft map ever . This is crazy , your work is incredible. I did this map with a friend and it was sooo good to play , we got a lot of fun on it !
02/05/2023 2:46 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer
panR4IN's Avatar
Thanks for the wonderful comment! The full release of the entire journey will come out this year, so if you're interested definitely join my discord server for updates!
12/28/2022 8:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
PaintedBirds's Avatar
Not to be one of those people which blindly asks if this works in x version, but is this map compatible with 1.19.3? I know that there have been some command overhauls since then and before I end up stupidly breaking this, I want to ensure that I have done my due dilligence.
12/29/2022 3:19 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer
panR4IN's Avatar
Well, I haven't tested it, but I'd say there were enough command changes that yes, it could break some systems. Try at your own discretion.
07/21/2022 12:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Engineer
JackieT's Avatar
I loved playing through this!
I loved the atmosphere and the unique gameplay.
A bit of feedback, from my one-player experience:
Magic was way too powerful. I shredded through the bosses and the large ambushes using just Stormcaller, and the higher tier staves were even better.
Even though it was powerful, the magic system felt unresponsive somehow. Maybe it's just because of the limitations of the system, but an animation or more sfx would be better.
Cooldowns also were a little weird to me, maybe because I couldn't see how much time was left on them. Maybe a durability bar under the item or something would be good.
I never really paid attention to the crafting or levelling system, and just found the endless amount of crafting materials to just fill my inventory up to no extent, and never really felt the effects of boosting my levels.
Coal? What does it do? It doesn't say Crafting Material, but I held onto them anyway in case they were one.
Lastly, there were some items I just couldn't sell. It's not like they were class-restricted, they were just some ordinary things like maces.

9/10 rating, though. Been following this through development, and loved your older maps like Out of the Pit and Trench Gun.
07/22/2022 6:10 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer
panR4IN's Avatar
Hello, thanks for the breakdown of your experience!

BbE is indeed my biggest and most complex project yet (and I don't think I'm ever gonna top it), so I expect there to be some things that I will probably never iron out. I will try to nerf the magic even further or introduce some other mechanics to make it less powerful (though magic was already nerfed twice lol).

I'm not sure what you mean by "unresponsive", you've probably just tried to spam/hold click, but 99% of the wands/staves have small cooldowns inbetween casts to prevent this. I feel like for the animation and/or sfx it's fine as is, I didn't encounter any problems. You're right on the cooldown indicators, however there's already a ton of abilities that have longer cooldowns and introducing some cooldown indicator now would require a lot of reworking, unless I come up with something automatic that I can just slap onto every spell. I've also been thinking about the same idea of the durability bar as cooldowns, I might look into that somewhere down the line.

Crafting is a system that is a bit more relevant towards endgame, where items from the shops will cost a lot more, and just crafting them might be more appealing, there'll also be a bunch of very legendary items that can *only* be crafted. But you are free to just ignore the entire system, that's all player's choice, Crafting will never be necessary to progress.

Levelling is a small additive system, it's small upgrades because eventually you'll level up plenty of times and the effects will stack up. It's not as obvious if you level mov. speed for example, but the hp/armor levelups do make a longterm difference.

Coal is there to cook raw fish, that's it lol. Use it or ignore it.

And yes some items cannot be sold, either because it's something atypical or there's simply not the slot for it yet. If there was something you felt like should be able to be sold, but you weren't able to, please mark the exact item type or screenshot the exact item, and I'll see to it.

You seem to be a longtime fan so I hope Part II of BbE will enhance this experience for you further!
07/15/2022 8:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3956027G's Avatar
one of the Lanterns is misaligned at spawn
07/18/2022 3:31 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Engineer
panR4IN's Avatar
Lol, that flew under the radar.
LGSC team
06/19/2022 3:12 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Modder
LGSC team's Avatar
Open World?
