Minecraft Maps / Other

Bridge Practice v0.1 (wip)

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Tobylol's Avatar Tobylol
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
So i made a bridge practice. It's trash tho, go look at this guy he made better one

anyways, this is still wip so be tuned for updates (Edit : The project is discontinued. There no longer will be updates.)

I didnt tested other versions so its only 1.16.5 java.

v0.1 updates :

Wallbridge mode

Reset bridge button

Give credit before you post it on somewhere.

Showcase on Youtube coming soon.
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAd6cmUP_DYyDTwOQ0J_Dw
Progress100% complete

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01/18/2022 4:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
eimer_gamer's Avatar
His bridge map broken bc my lunar client, re-installing is not an option, thanks
