Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Burg Falkenstein

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RobotChrisMinecraft's Avatar RobotChrisMinecraft
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
*Burg Falkenstein*

UPDATE! WorldSave with all funktions now availble AND translate the Wall of Text!

A smal, romantic, castle. I have built about 2 days on it.

It offers you:
  • a gatehouse with 2portcullis
  • inner courtyard
  • 2 fortified tower
  • 1 watchtower
  • 1residential building
  • 1 main tower
  • dining room, livin room,dormitory
  • kitchen, wine cellar, treasury
  • sleeping places for: servant& guards
  • 1 prision
  • horse stables
  • 1 secret

Technical functions:
The castle has a few small technical features:

  • chimney with smoking,
  • gate and trap gates can be closed,
  • the secret

To enable these funktions, the correct coordinates of the individual blocks must be specified in the command blocks.
If you insert the castle as Shematic these things will NOT work if you dont adjust the coordinates.
If you can chance the redstone machanic yourself, you find in the horse stable a trapdoor with a wooden block underneath.
Under this is the access to the circuit + discription.

Resourcepack & Mods & Map:

The project was created in the Pack: Conquest:

Furthermore, i have used the Mod: Better Foliage:

Original Map:

In order to use the details of Conquest correctly, the biomes have to be adepted in certain places. In the Shematic it can happe that the biomes are not taken over when inserting.

Important Information: before the Shametic is inserted, your world must have the following gemarules aktive/inaktive:
  • /gamerule commandBlockOutput false
  • /gamerule doFireTick false

I wish you much fun exploring and discovering!
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by RobotChrisMinecraft 06/21/2017 1:56:14 amJun 21st, 2017

Translate the discription, hope you´ll understand it^^

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11/30/2017 7:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Der_PauG's Avatar
endlich habe ich was gefunden vielen danke ;D
Mine Maus Craft
05/18/2017 1:49 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
Hi, it looks very good :-)
Sieht gut aus und auch die Beschreibung ist gut gemacht aber bei pmc mus alles auch in englisch sein, steht so in den Regeln also übe das mit dem englisch lieben ein wenig, und sieh es positiv, durch pmc habe ich mein englisch wieder aufgefrischt :-)
05/18/2017 5:12 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
RobotChrisMinecraft's Avatar
danke für deinen Hinweis, habe beim aktuellen Project jetzt auch auf Englisch umgestellt. Ist ja nicht so das mans nicht lesen könnte aber die letzte Praxis ist ca 10 Jahre her, da muss man mal nen bischen den Staub abwischen^^ but i´ll try my very best :D
05/18/2017 11:15 am
Level 33 : Artisan Mountaineer
Hydro63's Avatar
cant read shit but building sure looks awesome, great job :)
05/18/2017 11:50 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
RobotChrisMinecraft's Avatar
ty, i like to translate this wall of text but my eng skills are not better than google translator^^
05/18/2017 10:15 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
faraskan's Avatar
05/18/2017 7:40 am
Level 20 : Expert Prince
Sarlindir's Avatar
Sehr süß :)
Hat eine schöne, warme Atmosphäre
05/17/2017 5:31 pm
Level 41 : Master Soldier
SilverLR's Avatar
Great job Dude! Very nice build :3
05/18/2017 3:27 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
RobotChrisMinecraft's Avatar
ty :D
