Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Buttons: Fracture Point

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Artist Network
Fracture Point is the first entry into the Buttons franchise. In this adventure map, you play through thirteen different levels (titled acts) with an ongoing narrative. Each level has a unique collectible as well as unique designs and play features. (Wind, sound, collection, and animated block systems.) As you play you can follow the story, or ignore it and just play through each level. Instructions below.
  • Hit "download map" and begin to download.
  • While its downloading pull up the "Resource Packs" section in your Minecraft game, found by hitting "ESC", then clicking "Options" followed by "Resource Packs", there open your resource pack folder, and in the directory navigate out of the "resourcepacks" folder and into ".minecraft" from there locate your saves folder.
  • Once you've pulled up your save folder, drag the downloaded map file onto your desktop. Then extract the zipped file. Once extracted, double-click the new file that has appeared on your desktop, inside you should find another file, copy that one to your saves folder.
  • From there the world should appear in your single-player menu, if this does not work consider searching up how to download maps on whatever you are downloading the map from, whether that be a MacBook or something else. (Note: The directory looks different if you're using a modded version.)
  • Does not have any mods, and no resource packs are required, though one is baked into the map.
  • If you are playing multi-player, get players who are not hosting the map to download the resource pack using the alternate link below the download link for the map. Not necessary for single-player.
The map and overall story were created by TheMaskedRaff. I do not own the resource pack in this map, it was provided by Vanilla Tweaks. Minor build inspirations were taken from ItsMarloe, BDoubleO100, and Halfscape. Playtested by GamingWithJohnny. and ArouraMC. Special thanks to iZinko, for the inspiration behind the cover photos logo.

To be fixed - Signs In Hint Room

If you are creating any content using this adventure map, please leave a link to this Planet Minecraft page connected to it, also feel free to message me when you do, I am always interested. Do not use this adventure map for any use outside of personal (Youtube Videos and content on platforms like that are fine.) without first contacting me.
CreditTheMaskedRaff, GamingWithJohnny, ArouraMC, ItsMarloe, BDoubleO100, Halfscape, iZinko, Vanilla Tweaks
Progress100% complete

12 Update Logs

Update XII : by TheMaskedRaff 08/22/2024 8:00:39 pmAug 22nd

Re-ordered the image gallery, and added a new title cover, including a new logo to better match the Pawns In Play future logo, inspired by iZinko.
Also redid each image description, and altered the main description very slight in the credit section. Need to fix a sign issue in the hint room and then I am done with updating the map.

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11/15/2024 2:58 pm
He/Him • Level 20 : Expert Artist Explorer
Ah, a fellow vanillatweaks fan!
11/15/2024 3:16 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Artist Network
Of course :)
07/29/2023 11:11 am
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07/29/2023 11:26 am
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07/29/2023 1:12 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Artist Network
Sent you a discord invite
07/21/2023 8:31 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Hey, I am not sure is it intended to be "old school" style of logo, but if not I made one for you.
title link
07/21/2023 4:50 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Artist Network
This is dead*ss sick, one of the coolest things I've seen, i couldn't make anything like this hence why I used the font and styling I did. Lowkey love this though. Would you be up for making more if I asked? As the map is getting a sequel so I'd want the title card to look the same and absolutely wanna switch it to yours (with credit ofc)
