Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Kingdom of Asturias-Read Desc.!

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Level 22 : Expert Taco
Story: War ravages the realm, and death is everywhere. Four factions are fighting for Asturias, the Steel Horde, an army of Orcs and goblins living deep within the mountains, The Midnight Sigil, a group of mages and conjurers, who's leader has signed a pact with Rhionus, the god of death and war, the Crimson Dawn, a giant army of Elves who's goal is to take back their former kingdom and capital city, Greymeadow Keep, and the Silver Alliance, the faction currently in control of Greymeadow Keep. Greymeadow Keep was home to some of the greatest heroes in humanity's history. You, Ralas Sethran, former thief, will soon become one of them. End this war and prove your honor to the gods!

This is a realm, inspired by Tamriel from The Elder Scrolls,and Westeros from A Song of Ice and Fire, thatI am making for the Xbox 360 Edition of Minecraft. It includes a city that has a blacksmith, weapons/armor store, general store, inn, marketplace, harbor w/ ship, walls surrounding the area, etc. There are also numerous dungeons scattered around the world, each in a unique area, with bosses and loot. I'm planning to add an arena, bookstore, throne room,sewer system,and some easter eggs. I will implement a money system and add a bank. I might also add a storyline/plot sometime later, if I get enoughof those big shiny blue things that you all know about. My gamertag is Ferociousnose. Send me a friend request if you want to play it! Thanks.

Additional Notes

Gamertag: Ferociousnose

Send me a friend request on Xbox Live to play!
CreditTehmobhunt, for giving me some good ideas.
Progress50% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by FerociousNose 11/25/2013 7:11:20 pmNov 25th, 2013

Built most of the residential and waterfront districts. Added many new buildings such as the barracks and Chapel of Akatosh, and modified the bank. Added a new dungeon and added new things to the older ones. Big update.

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08/05/2014 6:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
really cool map. is it an rpg
08/06/2014 8:07 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Was. It's discontinued,
02/11/2014 2:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Looking great ! Take my diamond ! :)
01/28/2014 2:43 pm
Level 21 : Expert Geek
I like your building style! Keep up the good work fella :)
11/13/2013 11:38 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
Pretty nice. It looks a bit plain though. Maybe add some stairs, slabs, and cobble wall to the main walls? That would give it an immense amount of detail! Anyway, good luck!
11/14/2013 3:01 pm
Level 22 : Expert Taco
Thanks, I appreciate it.
09/20/2013 11:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thats beautiful, can i use it in an adventure map I'm making with friends, i will give credits
09/20/2013 11:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
like, if u could take the map and give me download, i could make it have a story, I'm currently making adventure maps that are about a medieval story, and things like this are hard to find, like, what i really need is a medieval world with multiple villages, but as long as the main city is done, we can mc edit in our builds and make it even better
09/23/2013 7:36 am
Level 22 : Expert Taco
I could try, but I don't know how since it's on the Xbox 360. Would I need some software to transfer it to the PC? If I can do it, then yes, you can use the map. Proper credit won't be needed, butit would be appreciated.
08/05/2014 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
there is a tool called OPryzeLP. You can find it on Youtube.
