Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Church of Eden

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Kenny19942's Avatar Kenny19942
Level 20 : Expert Architect


This is my first upload, and the first time I upload it is in Skaiacraft forums. But now I decided to put it here to see how it goes. It is not perfect, but I wish to learn from the other builders here. I personally take architecture for my university, so I think that if I learn it from other builders, I can get more inspirations from them, and probably apply it in real life.

It is even more appreciated if you can also give out critics, so I can improvise how I build.


This thread is dedicated to Advent-Christmas days. Today I want to show you Skaian people, what I have built and what Christmas means to me. Christmas to me means the day Christ born. So the way, I celebrate Christmas is by building a church building. I made it the best as I can as a non-perfect human, trying to replicate its brightness as well as the birth of the Lord.

The church was started on September. It was the day, I got bored, so, I thought, why not make something great? Something that can be valued. I saw DivineMedicus's videos on Youtube, and I really recommend for you to watch his videos, mainly for builders.

This took me for 1 and a half months, maybe 2 months to build. I built it in school times when I have nothing to do. This building is also dedicated to the Garden of Eden, and how God created Heaven and Earth. So after 1 hour later, I try to build something using what mega-builder's technique uses, and I built something like this.

The building has different parts. There is a chapel, baptism platform, wedding platform, terrarium, sun dial, library, and power plant. The chapel is all decorated with nature symbolizing vegetation and the Earth. The chapel features the Tree of Life in the middle symbolizes the heart of the Garden of Eden, it has an organ in the front. Chapel has no altar because it is not a cathedral.

The baptism platform is a hut with water inside. Baptism is where one is washed and cleaned by water. So that is why I filled a pool of water there. The same as the wedding platform, it has a hut for the bride, and large space for everything else. The wedding platform is built based on our stars in our skies. Our stars are nothing but sacred frequency geometries. They vibrate, and their vibration causes them to twinkle. The way I built it is using an image sample of cymatics on Google images. Cymatics are beautiful water patterns causes by frequency, just like our stars.

On the highest part of the building, there is a terrarium. It is the model of Earth as Ancient Hebrew belief. Hebrew believe that the Earth is an unmovable circle surface with a dome. I called this the YHWH's Terrarium model. What Hebrew believe is Earth doesn't move, it has its own foundation. Earth is a circular huge platform, with the map we know today as 'Azimuthal Equidistant'. Hebrews also believe that at the edges of the Earth, they have eternal ice wall, which we call Antarctica today. They also said there is a molten glass unbreakable dome firmament, with our stars on them. I include the dome as the roof of the building. This dome symbolizes the sky of the Earth, and in this dome, I placed glowstone and a white block with torches as the sun and moon, the same way like Genesis does. According to Ancient Hebrews, the sun and the moon moves around Earth. I also place a tree in the North Pole part (center) to symbolize Daniel's tree (Daniel 4:11).

The sun dial is actually built accidentally. When I want to build a fountain there, my shaders render the shadow. Idea comes in, telling me just build a simple sun dial. A sun dial is a tool using the advantage of the sun movements to know time, basically just like a clock. It is not only possible with Minecraft physics, but also can be done in real life as well. Ancient people uses this device as their early clocks.

The building also has its library. It is totally organized like a real library. I have plans to add books as well for additional knowledge and information for players to read. The way I built this is by using an image sample of beautiful libraries across Earth around the world, and make tweaks myself. The dimensions, width and length of the library was built using golden ratio. Golden ratio is a sequence founded by Fibonacci to create proportional rectangle. Sometimes this rectangle can create endless spiral that nature tends to have. Its dimension in scale is exactly 1 : 1.618.

The building also has its power plant that powers all electrical things. The power plant has a solar panel and a tower. This tower is inspired by Nikola Tesla's electric coil free energy tower. The tower is said to power anything wirelessly without using paid electricity. I put the solar panels there to keep the electric coil tower with its free energy state.


Download is available, you may edit, or make video about it or even upload it again but please credit me

Visit here: skaia.website

CreditBdoubleO (for texture pack)
Progress50% complete

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12/28/2017 10:05 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
Kenny19942's Avatar
Thanks everyone, greatly appreciated
12/25/2017 5:00 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
fov360's Avatar
Really nice style. Different from what we usually see here. I like the lighting in the dome and all the colors. Hope to see more projects from you.
12/22/2017 6:27 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
theannihilator2's Avatar
liking the detailing and all the greenary in the build especially the planter boxes on the dome keep up the good work
12/22/2017 9:39 am
Level 25 : Expert Architect
DeivisMK1's Avatar
great project
