Minecraft Maps / Other

Clash of Clans Buildings by GerganaGZ

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Level 43 : Master Musician
Hey! I decided to build all the things in Clash of Clans in this world, so I love this game and I just wanna make project like this.. I will rebuild possibly the buildings, defenses and other, that can be recreated in Minecraft.
Buildings, recreated from the game in this map:
- Town Halls
- Gold, Elixir & Dark Elixir Storages
- Barracks & Dark Barracks
- Mortars
- Archer Towers
- Cannons
- Laboratories
- Gold Mines & Elixir Collectors
- Wizard Towers
- Air Defenses
- Spell Factories
- Clan Castles

I will add buildings in the future:
- Air Sweeper
- Army Camp
- Barbarian King & Archer Queen Altars
- Builder's Hut and other decorations
- Dark Elixir Drill
- Hidden Tesla
- X-Bow
- Inferno Tower
After I add the buildings, listed above, the project will be 100% ready! :)

I hope you like them! I don't think they are very good, because they're blocky, but I tried to make them more like in the game. If you want, you can give me advice to build them better, I'll be happy for your support!


Progress70% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by GerganaGZ 09/20/2015 4:33:39 pmSep 20th, 2015

- Make them smoothier, and more in the game. Hope you enjoy ;P
- Fixed P.E.K.K.A again.. that P.E.K.K.A..

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10/07/2015 11:40 am
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
Reply if you're level 100 or more :)
10/03/2015 7:10 am
Level 27 : Expert Unicorn
Nice :3

I'm not a COC player but I have played it before and it would be cool if you made a town using these buildings (just saying)

Maybe you could get a texture pack or something to make the wood look more like COC wood (that cleaner wood where there isn't as much planks as the minecraft wood) (I'm talking about the roofing of the town hall)
10/03/2015 11:16 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
Maybe I should... Maybe :D
09/21/2015 2:33 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
Amazing concept, keep up the good work and well done!
09/21/2015 2:39 pm
Level 43 : Master Musician
Thanks :P
Caporal Dxl
09/07/2015 3:53 am
Level 38 : Artisan Ranger
This is looking pretty great.
09/07/2015 4:07 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
Hope you like it :) I'm making a little update for now to it.
Caporal Dxl
09/07/2015 4:09 am
Level 38 : Artisan Ranger
Ok, keep up the good work! :D
08/12/2015 4:19 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
GerganaGZ, with your building knowledge and my command block knowledge we could easly recreate Clash Of Clans in minecraft. I have my own server where we can work together. If you choose to accept this map could be popular due to the fanbase behind both minecraft and Clash Of Clans.

Please message me back if you are interested,
08/13/2015 4:48 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
I'm not too interested, I prefer now to make maps by myself with my team... You know the Clash of Clans game? It's strategy, random, is multiplayer and fight another players, search of clans.. This will take a lot and a lot of work. It will be not easy, as you thought, and it will take more than 3-4 months I guarantee. Also I have command block and redstone knowledge, so I can make it and by myself without any problems. But now I have a lot of projects - creating adventure map, making one commands, is hard, and not only this - I have projects in the real life too.... But ty for the offer ;)
