Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Classic Skyblock v2.1.

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Bedrock Edition
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter



Created by Noobcrew
Recreated for bedrock by me.

There are a lot of great Skyblock maps available for Minecraft Bedrock, but it's surprisingly difficult to find anything similar to the Original Skyblock v2.1. that the internet came to love.
This world does just that!

it's an exact replica of the original, with the only exception being the challenges; which have been updated to include new features and remove repetitive challenges.

( This world was built and edited from scratch, only using the Original Skyblock map as a guideline. )

Progress100% complete

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01/24/2023 9:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a seed for this? im using console and im wondering if theres anyway to play it there. Awesome job btw <3
02/05/2022 10:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I created this account just to thank you for this map. It's exactly what i've been looking for. I cant stand those Skyblocks maps with all biomes and almost all items made renewable. It' the opposite of what Skyblock should be
