Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Code Lyoko - Kadic Academy

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Wertologist's Avatar Wertologist
Level 44 : Master Architect
Growing up, I loved the show Code Lyoko. In fact, I still love it. It was a great show with a lot of potential....Let's just forget about the Evolution part...

Anyways, I have always searched for maps based on the show, but I have only seen two and they were only small portions of the 5 sectors. What I plan on doing is making it all. Not just Lyoko, but the academy, the city, and the factory with it.

My hopes are that when this is finished someone will start up a role playing server dedicated to Code Lyoko. With students, teachers, Lyoko warriors, Xana attacks, and even Xana possessed warriors dedicated to stop players from deactivating towers.

Map Features:

Kadic Academy
This is the first thing I have built for this map. I figured it would be the best starting build because in the show, it is where they start off.

Wired Lighting
I made it possible to toggle the lighting by flipping the switch on the generator. Mainly hoping that if a server was started, they would have player/players who are possessed by Xana shut off the power to let monsters spawn

Future Features:

Command block teleport system
I want to make it so that at the factory players can stand in the scanners and be transported to Lyoko. I also wish to implement Towers that can take you to different sectors and the Transport Orbs take you to Sector 5.

Activities to do when there is no Xana attack
I have no ideas aside from going to the school and having to do school work inside book andquills. If you have any ideas, either send me a PM or post it in the comments.

Every sector
I plan on doing each sector on a large scale. Not one that you can just run across in a few minutes. I will do the Forest Sector, the Desert Sector, the Mountain Sector, the Ice Sector, and of course Sector 5

The Digital Sea
This one stumps me. I would love to include it for it was one of my favorite places in the show, but I have no idea how to make it playable. I could make the sea, but the players would drown upon entering. If you have any suggestions, PM me or post it in the comments.

A "Jeremie" style of playing
I hope to find a way to make it so a player who goes to the super computer be transported to Lyoko and be able to fly around while invisible, drop specific items, and warn other players of monster ahead. This player would not be able to harm players or monsters or place/destroy blocks and be able to return to the factory at any time by typing in a command. Since I have no idea how to use command blocks, I would need a lot of helpwithhis one.

I have very high hopes that a server will be started when this is done. This will take time to finish. It would go much faster if I got help, but I do not have a server to run this on. If you have any ideas, questions, or anything else, post them in the comments or send me a PM.
Progress20% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by Wertologist 11/27/2014 8:15:40 pmNov 27th, 2014

Just updating the world file. This version has all of the stuff I have built so far.

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02/11/2015 12:16 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
phoenixV3D's Avatar
If you need help, I built a version of the control room with working scanners and a tower with color changing beacons to show who is controlling it, and I would gladly upload it on my account if it can help you. So if you ever need it, just ask. By the way your map is really awesome.
02/11/2015 8:57 pm
Level 44 : Master Architect
Wertologist's Avatar
I'd like to take a look at it if you want to upload it. Not sure what you mean by working scanner. I plan on having the scanners use command blocks to send players to a new area or use a multiworld plugin kind of thing and teleport there.
02/12/2015 1:24 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
phoenixV3D's Avatar
I meant to say that by pressing a button under the holo-sphere (I couldn't place it anywhere else) in the controle room, players who are in the scanners will be teleported to a set location written in the command block underneath it (along with saving their spawn point to the scanner if they get "devertualized"). Also it might take some time to upload it as I am still trying to understand how to upload a map, but it should be there in less then a week. Thank you for considering my offer.
02/12/2015 1:45 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
phoenixV3D's Avatar
actually forget the last part of my message, I managed to upload it. Please tell me what you think of my map, I worked on it for some time now just so that I could help you with it. I hope you enjoy it. Also sorry for the random parts around my map, I easely get distracted
12/26/2014 8:27 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Icytheory's Avatar
Keep up the great work! This is really awesome!  The future developments look cool, too!
12/15/2014 5:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
VirusJones's Avatar
I've been thinking about trying my hand at creating a mod.

Have you thought about an interface for a Jeremy character that allows a console / screen into the game, supercomputer-console style?

It's rather more technical than just creating a map, but pretty cool if it'd work. ;-)
06/29/2014 2:16 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
patriotails's Avatar
hmm perhaps there could be a way for spectator mode to come into play for the jeremy thing? since it sounds like what you have listed here
06/29/2014 3:52 am
Level 44 : Master Architect
Wertologist's Avatar
I thought of spectator, but the Jeremie style thing would have to be able to spawn items/blocks/mobs
06/27/2014 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deathbringer5493's Avatar
Well done mah friend
Dragons of the Void
04/12/2014 11:17 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
Dragons of the Void's Avatar
yay! finnaly a Lyoko map!
