Minecraft Maps / Air Structure


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Tiresh's Avatar Tiresh
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect

~The city of Columbia~

~Columbia is a floating city in the sky and is the setting of Bioshock Infinite. It is composed of buildings constructed on giant reactors and self-sustaining balloons to make the city literally fly over the clouds.

~Full list of places that will appear in Columbia:
  • Lighthouse - 100% Done
  • Welcome Center - 100% Done
  • Raffle Square - 95% Done
  • Comstock Center Rooftops - 15% Done
  • Monument Island Gateway - 50% Done
  • Monument Tower - 100% Done
  • Battleship Bay - 70% Done
  • Soldier's Field
  • The Hall of Heroes (Going There)
  • Inside the Hall of Heroes
  • Hall of Heroes Gift Shop
  • Return to the Hall of Heroes
  • Finkton Docks - 100% Done
  • Beggar's Wharf
  • Fort Franklin Pier
  • Worker Induction Center
  • Plaza of Zeal
  • Good Time Club
  • Plaza of Zeal (Return)
  • Gunsmith Shop
  • Shanty Town
  • Bull House Impound
  • Bull Yard
  • Finkton Proper
  • On to the Factory
  • Factory Courtyard
  • The Factory
  • Emporia
  • Port Prosperity
  • Downtown Emporia
  • Memorial Gardens
  • Comstock House
  • The Atrium
  • Warden's Office
  • Operating Theatre
  • Hand of the Prophet
  • Hangar Deck
  • Engineering Deck
  • Command Deck
  • Sea of Doors - 100 % Done

~People that create the project:
-Tiresh (Building, decorating, designing, etc.)

-Yeroglif23 (Building, decorating, ideas, etc.)
-IceBurgers (Ideas, not in-game help and much more)

~Entrance to Columbia is currently restricted. Access granted for workers only!
Download will be available as soon as possible. City takes a lot of time to build and I have a lot of problems with my PC. Sorry if you wanted to see it.
~If you would like to make a video of the city, ask if you could get the save. I will consider doing that :)

>Due to my PC's death I am not able to build atm. I will get back to work asap!<

I hope you will like it!
Don't forget to like and comment!

Additional Notes

On this map I'm using OptiFine and Ornate 5 Revived resource pack.
Progress10% complete

46 Update Logs

Update #46 : by Tiresh 01/25/2014 7:04:01 pmJan 25th, 2014

Help wanted!
If you think you could join me in Columbia and help with the building, check out this thread:

As for the update itself:
1.I've created both lighthouses that appear in the game (the Maine and Rapture one). That means that the Lighthouse level is finished.
2.Sea of Doors is finished too, I'm testing command block teleports right now (it's bit tricky to do it there).
3.Welcome Center which is the first place you see in the city is finished too and I'm making last edits to make it look nicer (I had some scale problems which need covering).
4.Not ingame platforms were removed from the area of New Eden Square.
5.Raffle Square is 5% away from being finished.
6.Comstock Center Rooftops has been updated and now is at 15%.
7.Finkton Docks are finished.
8.Monument Island Gateway is 50% finished.
9.I will try to upload some shader pictures of the city soon (if you know someone who can use them - message me, I will gladly use some help :)

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11/28/2018 2:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
RUSich's Avatar
Hi! Can you upload this map now? I know, it's not ready for now, but let as enjoy your work.
01/14/2017 6:31 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
SkillFulYosemite's Avatar
I must say, this is some beautiful work! Hats tipped for you!
10/23/2016 6:32 pm
Level 48 : Master Engineer
acdc23's Avatar
Hi Tiresh!, what happened to this proyect? did you had your computer repaired ? I´m anxious about this huge contruction you´re making! please tell me if you need help with something.
p.s. I´m a big bioshock fan too!!
10/24/2016 8:36 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Tiresh's Avatar
I don't really work on this project because I'm busy with real life stuff. I also have a different project going on, that is way bigger than this but easier to make for me so I focus on that. After I finish it I may get back to this one but I'm not promising anything. Of course I would like to finish this but I can't tell how things will go.
10/24/2016 10:17 am
Level 48 : Master Engineer
acdc23's Avatar
oh, I´m sorry to hear that.
Good luck with that big proyect you´re making! i´ll keep waiting for this amazing map. maybe one day it will be released , like half life 3 hahahaha
06/25/2016 5:44 pm
Level 41 : Master Artist
DustyIsack's Avatar
Hey man! I'm a minecraft Builder that came out of retirement so i recreated my planetminecraft account and stumbled acrossed this. I would love to get a world save of this even if it's not done to feature in a build video. I know a thing or two about buildings since i used to build for (KYR_SP33DY and his server), (Pandora's Blocks creative server) and a famous builder named (BzurQ). If you need proof that i worked with these guys, feel free to message (BzUrQ) on twitter or watch (KYR_Sp33dy's) crewniverse videos. Anyways as i was saying, i would love to grab a world file just for a showcase, hit me up if you're interested.

p.s Check out my planetminecraft builds to verify im a builder as well :)
04/01/2016 5:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ServerHostingUk's Avatar
Wow this is amazing. I would love to check it out.
04/01/2016 5:36 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Tiresh's Avatar
Eh probably when I will get back to it after I finish my current big project.
06/12/2016 9:13 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
AngelllLord's Avatar
how strange that for 3 years. a mark of 10% is not moved any percentage ((
abandoned the project? and wait for a miracle is not necessary? thanks for the answer....
06/12/2016 9:26 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Tiresh's Avatar
I didn't abandon it. It's just that I constantly keep getting commissions for other projects or I have other stuff going on. I'm currently working on a build from Witcher 3, a build from Hunger Games and some other stuff. I have only two hands but because only I know how I want to build my stuff I don't have a team of people building for me. It's lack of time mostly. I will definitely finish it one day or maybe do something from Burial At Sea first but you can be sure that I won't abandon it.
