Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Compact Binary to Decimal decoder

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Tjwato's Avatar Tjwato
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
This is a Compact binary to decimal decoder. It can be easily attached to a 7 segment display and other numbers can be added.

The schematic is available for download.

Check out my youtube at:
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06/15/2014 6:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WestPike's Avatar
I play the xbox360 version and this converter does not work. Looking at the pictures I can see that on my version the redstone trail does not branch on the top of the device. Was this branching introduced in an update, if so which update?
12/01/2013 10:01 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Ninja
tyson5125's Avatar
Is there a more compact way to do this, I've tryed a lot of thing with pistons to get a really decoder, but it always ends up creating a bud which messes it up?
03/02/2013 1:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
h3nry's Avatar
works great. and you can add the full 16 decimals by just repeating the pattern on the torches. thanks!
08/21/2012 7:37 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Pony
xxBerryxx's Avatar
Hi bro do you have the map i need it for my internet to decode the data bits and execute it as a code.
08/04/2012 10:23 am
Level 23 : Expert Modder
Turbomouse205's Avatar
Thanks, I like it.
05/14/2012 10:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Garaffe45's Avatar
I like it... but I'm not sure how to use this. It's different than any decoder I've seen. I get the output number corresponds to the location on the seven segment display... but how do you get it to create numbers?
03/21/2012 6:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Engineer
DYRIUS's Avatar
You can actually increase its speed by putting repeaters every other row instead of every row. That is how i did it on my 8 bit calculator which without that spacing is terribly slow at any number over 25 lol. Great design though! Building the 255 individual decoder segments and programming them was a nightmare... lol
07/01/2012 5:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
349057345's Avatar
yep i was about to write that down when i read this :D

cause a repeater receives a signal from the block behind, you can replace every second's row repeater with redstone.

08/28/2011 6:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Chiller's Avatar
I love this! I have been searching for a compact one like this.. None around.. Except for this one! But the only downside of this is that it is kind of slow... But it does the job!
08/25/2011 6:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Steam_Punker's Avatar
First of all, this is absolutely epic and I only joined to say that :D

But you forgot the 4 repeaters after 6 bro lol. I kept thinking I was counting 7 wrong because I only just started using binary but you're missing a bunch of repeaters. I replaced em and it works like a charm now.

Awesome redstone device though, its insanely compact and thankyou again.
