Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Crescent Island (Adventure/Island Survival Map)

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Level 26 : Expert Pirate

This is my first Adventure/Survival Map so I would Really Appreciate it, if you Diamonded or Downloaded this. Thanks :D


Note: You are allowed to use this in Youtube videos, Lets Plays, and Servers, But you Must Give Me Full Credit and You have to give a link to this page. Also play on at least Normal Difficulty, no hacks, glitches, mods, or cheats :P.


This was my first adventure/survival map as I've mentioned. It took me roughly 4-6 hours to make. I got the idea from a video game I was creating, and just watching One Piece for a long time. I created this custom terrain using WorldPainter, and I just created the house and the ship from my own Design. I enjoy creating Custom Terrain and Adventure Maps so I figured this project would be a great way to start the two. I hope to create more things like this in the future...maybe I'll even be as good as InHaze :D


This Map Features:

- Custom generated terrain
- A Survival Map and an Adventure Map in One
- A treasure Hunt in which there are 7 hidden treasure chests to find around the map
- Great Challenges similar to ones in other Survival Maps
- A treasure map with an X to mark the spot :D


Here are all 20 Challenges that are included in this Map

1) Make a Wheat Farm
2) Make a SugarCane Farm
3) Make a Melon Farm
4) Make a Pumpkin Farm
5) Find All 7 Hidden Chests
6) Make a Mob Spawner and Get;
- 30 Bones
- 30 String
- 45 Rotten Flesh
- 30 GunPowder
- 10 EnderPearls
7) Make Friends and trade with the Villagers
8) Make a Pig, Cow, Sheep, Chicken, or Wolf Pen, Then Breed them until there are at least twice the amount of animals in the pen from when it started.
9) Use the Mob eggs in the special 7th hidden chest to your likings.
10) Find some treasure with the treasure map.
11) Move into the house on the beach
12) Give the map a Diamond on Planet Minecraft :D
13) Make a Nether Portal using the Obsidian you found and go to the Nether
14) Make an Enchantment table
15) Make a Brewing stand and Brew some potions
16) Mine LIKE A BOSS and find at least 2 Diamonds
17) Trade with the Villagers and acquire some Emeralds
18) Make a Mushroom Farm, and Make a small Mushroom House using the Red Giant Mushroom
19) Using the Eyes of Ender, and the Ender portals you've found, go to the End and Kill the EnderDragon!
20) Once you've completed 19 challenges go tell everyone at Planet Minecraft!

-Note there are some spelling errors in the Book in the Map itself, like acquire and "tell everyone Planet Minecraft!" if that really annoys you then go erase it and spell it correctly -_-


I made this map using World Painter, World Edit, and Mc Edit.

- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/231255-worldpainter-new-map-creatorgenerator-work-in-progress/ (World Painter)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/94310-132-single-player-commands-v41-official-download-spc/ (World Edit)
- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/13807-mcedit-minecraft-world-editor-now-open-source/ (MC Edit)

This build was my first and it took me roughly 4-6 hours in total.
The pictures were taken with the JoilCraft texture pack. I highly recommend playing with that texture pack when in this map.

- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/163244-16x-jolicraft-2805-halloween-update-12w39a/

Check out my new skins :D

- http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/elemental-wizard-fire/
- http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/elemental-wizard-ice/
- http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/elemental-wizard-earth/

I was inspired to build this Map by InHaze's terraforming maps, and just the general show of One Piece :P. It was a lot of fun making this map and I hope you have a lot of fun playing this map, and completing all of its challenges. Thanks for reading and Playing my Map :D


Please leave some suggestions for Future projects in the Custom Terrain Island Series. Any Idea helps so if you would leave something in the comments section, thanks.
Progress100% complete

12 Update Logs

Update #12 : by GalacticNinga 11/05/2012 1:11:11 pmNov 5th, 2012

ftw multiverse core -_-

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10/27/2012 12:49 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sup' Galactic get on your server like NOW!
10/27/2012 12:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
10/14/2012 12:56 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Use Camera Studio Mod when recording flybys. it's much much much smoother! Look awesome otherwise
10/15/2012 5:34 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Thanks I'll get it
10/03/2012 2:52 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Unicorn
Luffy!!! Chopper!!!
Zoro!!! Robin!!
Nami!!! Franky!!!
Ussop!!! Brooks!!!
lol i <3 one piece and great build love this map!!!! :D
10/03/2012 3:56 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
Thanks I love One Piece too :D
10/02/2012 5:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Great Build Galactic :D
