Minecraft Maps / Other

Custom Enchants

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  • 328 downloads, 0 today
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BathingApe's Avatar BathingApe
Level 34 : Artisan Vampire
Did you ever want enchants like this^^^? well now you have it this world has enchantments you can't even get in the game!!! please diamond for more you can also leave comments saying what I should do next! LOL I don't know how to make a real download link so I did this when you download just put that folder inside the zip in your .minecraft saves
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10/22/2019 9:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
NaiSoraNaiShiro's Avatar
Hi, I want to know how the data pack is used? Is it with commands or just put a yunke throw a book of efficiency 5 and have it with another one of efficiency 5 and give one with efficiency 6?
06/20/2013 2:21 pm
Level 22 : Expert Engineer
Savrage's Avatar
probably uses INVedit [the program]
