Minecraft Maps / Complex

Dark Souls 3: Lothric Castle (Survival)

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Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
I am rebuilding Lothric Castle from Dark Souls 3 in 1:1 scale in survival minecraft.

Project is almost completely my own work, with some contribution from others on my server who gather resources. The only thing that has been done outside of survival is to sink the castle down to bedrock so that it will fit within the height limit. The project is a massive one that I started back in October of 2016, and I hope you enjoy it! Unfortunately the project is currently not available to tour, but check out the the pictures and stop in often for updates. Thanks for the support! Let me know what pictures you'd like to see of the project!

Progress - click to reveal
Project Progress:

Great Bridge of Lothric
- 100% - Completed!

High Wall of Lothric (Playable area) - 94%
  -2 Sleeping/Dead Dragons need to be added. (2%)
  -Add Darkwraith tower. (2%)
  -Add final decorations and finish lighting, including high tower room and mimic room. (2%)

High Wall of Lothic (unplayable area) - 30%
  -Need to figure out the placements of the remaining towers along the wall (need archives and Twin Brother's skirting structure to be completed to accurately place).
  -Add details to existing towers.

Lothric Castle - 99%

  -Add final decorations and finish lighting. (1%)

  -Bonus: Finish pixel art map of stone bricks for secret door.

Lothric Castle (unplayable area) - 30%

  -Figure out layout of structures to fill out city in lower and upper areas. Issue: In game, structures aren't the same depending on vantage point of player.

Grand Archives
- 99%

  -Add final decorations, including levers and finish lighting. (1%)
    -Finish detailing over second balcony arches.
  -Bonus: Redstone contraptions for each moving bookcase?

Grand Archives (unplayable areas) - 75%

  -Finish skirting around archives, and detail existing structures within these areas.
  -Add lots of towers, and terraform around the base.

Twin Brother's Keep - 80%

  -Finish skirting of the second bridge.
  -Twin Princes fight area needs completion.
  -Finish exterior structure skirting.

Consumed King Gardens - 60%

  -Add terrain to meet with Archives and Castle skirting.
  -Create Oceiros' boss room and structure around it.
  -Add trees and tower behind aqueduct at the entrance to the garden.
  -Finish 15 degree walling midway into garden.
  -Create dragon shrine behind boss chamber, and entrance to Untended Graves.

Untended Graves - 0%

  -Create Ashen Cemetery. Need skirting of Twin Keep to be mostly done in order to figure out accurate placement.
  -Create Champion Gundyr arena.
  -Skirt terrain around the area.
  -Create Firelink Shrine and terrain around it.

Notable Areas:

Vordt's Arena - Complete!
Dancer's Arena - Complete!
Dragonarmor Bridge - Complete!
Progress65% complete

17 Update Logs

Update #17 - 10/13/24 : by thewombatofdoom 10/13/2024 10:31:46 pmOct 13th, 2024

Hello everyone! The server that my world is hosted that houses the project has been hit with an unfortunate turn. The service provider was bought and the new people running the show have horrible response time for problems and the server is all but unusable. I've been trying to work with the server owner to have it switched over to a new provider but he's unfortunately incredibly busy and so I'm stuck in Limbo and have been for about 6 months now. Its a quite frustrating situation, so if anyone has some valid hosting services that they can recommend, let me know. I am anxious to be back to making the project. Thanks in advance!

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12/29/2024 1:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
possible you could add a downloadable world file?
01/03/2025 7:57 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
If a download happens, its when the world is completed. Thank you for your support!
11/10/2024 4:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm just now creating an account to only say: Man, I really appreciate your work, it looks amazing. As a guy who has been playing Dark Souls 3 since release and has about a thousand hours of play time, I really enjoy these pictures and I also appreciate your dedication to this work, after all these years you have not given up on this project, which is very, very, VERY cool
12/18/2024 12:13 am
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
Thanks mate! I'm looking forward to completing the project some day! Its been a huge undertaking but so happy that others are enjoying it as much as I do!
07/12/2024 8:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bir yorum Yaz...
07/22/2024 11:55 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
Write a comment in Turkish?
04/23/2024 10:02 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
04/24/2024 11:10 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
I know, sorry for the wait!
11/25/2023 1:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Had to create an account just to say this looks amazing so far.
11/28/2023 10:40 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
Love that! Glad you love it THAT much!
