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Death Apocalypse (A Zombie Apocalypse Server)

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Valkyrie_X's Avatar Valkyrie_X
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
A new Zombie Apocalypse Server is coming into town! Survive in a deserted city, as you spawn in the last remaning Forward Operating Base. Survive in factions, and shoot zombies with the new guns you bought. This server requires Spoutcraft in order to join. Cracked and legit are all welcomed to play! Using xauth for the players and one ip for moderators and admins. This is a developing server, meaning we will try to update the server to the best to your wishes and wants!

Gamemode: Survival
Texture Packs: Last Days
Difficulty: 3
Member ranks( To more Access to commands): Yes
Website: death-apocalypse.enjin.com ( Not finished)
Server Link on PMC: www.planetminecraft.com/server/death-apocalypse-1480712/
Progress90% complete

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08/16/2020 8:09 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
iskallfan85's Avatar
pls have download pls this is cool
08/16/2020 8:10 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
iskallfan85's Avatar
oh wait this is a server:(
11/26/2015 10:18 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Valkyrie_X's Avatar
We have moved this project to http://www.planetminecraft.com/server/decimation-nexus-network/ and is currently remaking and reworking this project.
10/08/2012 9:53 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Valkyrie_X's Avatar
Give me a day to post, a bit busy with school. Also, we will move it to a rented server in 4 days. Put whitelist, to finish the missing parts. And then release it.
10/07/2012 9:36 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Valkyrie_X's Avatar
It a home hosted server right now, so i can't easily update and configure the server. When its done, it will be hosted on a rented server. If you want more pictures, I can post it :)
10/07/2012 10:44 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
andrewking606's Avatar
i would like more pictures of the server
10/07/2012 4:27 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Miner
andrewking606's Avatar
i would like to see more how do i get onto the server
