Minecraft Maps / Complex

Durin's Builders : The Dwarven Build Team

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Durins Builders
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Welcome Fellow! To Durin’s Builders

Who Are We?

We are a Minecraft Build Team focused on building the Strongholds and Mansions of dwarves from all over the land of Middle Earth! All of our builds are in Dwarven style, though we may go a little further and build neighboring kingdoms.

Our Build Style:

Our build style is typical of dwarven building styles found elsewhere. The underground halls of the dwarves are made from stone, with various decorative features such as arches and mosaics. The best example of this is the Mines of Moria, which is one of our current projects.

We use a custom resource pack created, updated, and maintained by Proton Gamer and Le0nidas11 in all of our builds.

For Those Who Do Not know, or have not read:

"Dwarves were a short, stocky race, a little taller than hobbits but much broader and heavier. Most Dwarves had thick, luxuriant beards in which they took great pride, and often forked or braided them and tucked them into their belts."

And no, we are not Snow White’s seven dwarves, for we are more than ten. And we have axes.

Where Can You Get Ideas or Inspiration?

Our Builds are inspired of the Culture of Middle Earth Dwarves, mostly described in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, including (but not limited to) The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion. We also take inspiration from other depictions of dwarves from other sources, including adaptations of Tolkien’s work (such as Lord of the Rings Online).

Our Projects

We have our own server, and are developing several projects. Currently, we are working on:

-Moria, Khazad-dum, Dwarrowdelf - the greatest of the dwarven mansions and the home of Durin’s Folk
Durin's Builders : The Dwarven Build Team Minecraft Map
Currently, we are working on the Central Mines, which is a city in itself, and the Great Southern Abyss, a massive cave home to the Waterworks of Khazad-Dum. We are also renovating Durin’s Causeway, the highway of northeastern Moria, and the Eastern Rift, which is crossed by the Bridge of Khazad-Dum.

-Narag-Gund, the mansion of the Stonefoot dwarves and home to a large population of humans.
Durin's Builders : The Dwarven Build Team Minecraft Map
Currently, we are working on the villages and settlements outside of the city, which are mainly small farming towns. We are also are building the wealthier districts of the exterior city as well as improving the natural landscape by adding greenery inside the city and woodlands outside of it. We are also improving several houses.

In addition to these projects, we have begun work on Nogrod , but progress is moving very slowly. Currently, we have completed the entrance and moved on to the Great Hall and its connecting halls. Soon we will begin work on the outside, including landscaping and fortifications. A map of Nogrod will be released soon.

We have also begun to build Blackflame, more info about it will be given on future updates.

Upcoming projects include:

Amon Rudh, the home of Petty-Dwarves in the First Age.

Gundabad, the place where Durin awoke (now occupied by orcs)

Nordinbad, the refuge of the dwarves in the Grey Mountains

Projects we plan to do:

Belegost, one of the great cities of the Ered Luin, and twin city of Nogrod

Nurunkhizdin, the home of the Ironfists dwarves by the sea of Rhun;

We have already completed one Mansion already, Kheled-Dum, which is available for download here on Planet Minecraft.

We have also completed a movie-accurate version of Moria, which you can find here. It was originally built for the [RIP] Tales of War, a PvP server, and later revised to a full-on map.

---Members to know---

Proton_Gamer – One of our admins, and head of projects, plans, and builds. He also helps Le0nidas11 manage the server and is an amazing World Editor. Though, he is also all around fun.

Le0nidas11 – Our other admin, and is our great Voxeler and World Editor, and an even better builder! He’s a lot of fun too, he also is the main manager of the server.

Fistfull20 – Our second in command and head of non-dwarven building projects

14aBvtqX – Our 'press secretary', author, moderator, and part-time builder.

How to Join Us!

We are always open to new members, and are currently looking to get some more to help our progress! If you are interested in joining, Please visit our site at http://durinsbuilders.wordpress.com/ and check out the application thread to fill out the builder’s application. It's consisted of a quick check-up on your building skills and a basic knowledge of the Lord of the Rings universe. Check it out!

Thank you for showing support, please give a diamond, subscribe and favorite if you liked!

Durin's Builders : The Dwarven Build Team Minecraft Map

~Durin’s Builders
CreditSpecial Thanks to Le0nidas11 for hosting the server
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Durins Builders 08/27/2017 2:24:18 amAug 27th, 2017

After a long period of inactivity on pmc, we're back! And looking good xD

Our activity in this meanwhile was reduced, but never died, and even with pmc being outdated, we did a contest and picked a new logo for our build team, which we're proud to announce here in this post!

As for the other threads, we'll be trying to update them as soon as possible to reflect the current state of our server!

Thanks again for the support, hope you like our new logo, we'll try to keep forum updated more often! May Durin be with you!

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02/22/2020 12:09 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dwarf
Just joined up with these guys and can confirm: the projects are still going strong. :)
02/15/2019 5:28 am
Level 71 : Legendary Dragonborn
any news ?
Durins Builders
02/22/2019 10:51 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dwarf

Not been updating pmc much, but we're still on discord and projects are still getting build, mostly moria, nogrod and narag-gund!

Check our site, there's a link to join our discord and follow us up close on the Durin's Tavern session! ^-^
02/23/2019 4:01 am
Level 71 : Legendary Dragonborn
Okay cool ^^
12/12/2015 3:32 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Its looking good. However I thought I should point this out if you do not change it it will not disipoint me it is your choice but Gabilzahar is the Stiffbeard's first Mansion, Kheled-Dum is the Ironfist's first Mansion, Baraztum is the Blacklock's first Mansion and you guys got Narag-Gund right for the Stonefoots. If you want more information on the dwarves The Dwarrow Scholar is your guy he has dedicated his life to Tolkien's dwarves and is working on a full dictionary of there language. https://dwarrowscholar.wordpress.com/ here is a link to his site and a Dwarven Map of Arda with the First Mansions of the dwarves marked in Blue. https://dwarrowscholar.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/dwarven-map-of-arda/
Durins Builders
12/13/2015 11:43 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Thank you for the comment! We've indeed been looking for his stuff alot, he's definitely a great guy, and a master on Tolkien's Lore, but in fact, all the named mansions are Nogrod, Belegost, Moria, Gundabad, Erebor, The Glitering Caves, Dain's settlement on the Iron Hills, some delving(s) on the Grey mountains, and the small cities of the wicked dwarves. Further than that, it's all speculation. When we started making our delvings, i had checked the dwarrow schoolar and the merpwiki already, both great contributors to the "lore expansion" eastwards. Well, according to that map by the dwarrow schoolar (its on my fav tab, right now XD), what you've said is right, but according to Merp, its different. What i've tried doing is mixing both, and it ended out with Kheled-Dum being the Stiffbeards capital/mansion (in third age) and the Ironfists' being Nurunkhizdín in the mountains of Rhun. For the Blacklocks i've followed the Merp, and for NG i've followed the scholar. Thank you for the information any way, but im not gonna follow the scholar 100% nor the Merp, i myself (and the rest of the team so far) prefer it as the mix we've done. Too, we would have to change alot of stuff in Kheled-Dum for it to be the Ironfist's, because they are very warlike, and stiffbeards are peaceful... XD

But thank you anyway! We apreciate alot your interest in our work!
12/13/2015 4:31 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Okay just wondering, however these builds are done they are going to look awesome I am a big fan of the Dwarves(they are my favorite race in lotr) so I will be impressed either way.
Durins Builders
12/13/2015 5:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Haha, so am I! As I said earlier, your comment is very much welcome, please dont take it in an offensive way, just setting my point! Your critic was very important and put some members to think, but we are trying to mix all opinions and tastes so noone gets (at least not fully) disappointed, if you get me! But thanks for liking our builds, we very much apreciate it!

12/13/2015 5:49 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Yeah, I am perfectly fine with your decision Tolkien never wrote about the Orcanni Mountains other than the name and the Dwarven clans that live their he never stated anything about the names of their settlements as you said earlier.
Durins Builders
12/13/2015 5:57 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Basically, very that, the rest is made up at some point, so, why not mixing opinions?
07/08/2015 11:25 am
Level 46 : Master Dwarf
Looks really good i see you made nogrod from this picture :https://www.google.nl/search?q=nogrod&biw=1366&bih=659&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=qUCdVYuPH8zWUdDQragL&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=dLCC0V10MQ-bGM%3A i made my nogrod from that picture to :P
