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- Cubed Creative » Freebuild/Plots - featured on Minecraft.net1.15 Creative Server58.8k 371x 10
Aequotis 9/30/24 1:26 • posted 1/24/15 1:16

Build Details
Build time - 4 days, 1 day's worth of revised edits thereafter]
Build size - approx. 1000x1000
Concept - The idea behind this creation is that the concept of sustainability will work in concept but not in reality. Therefore we took the idea of a single room with equipment to create a design for a sustainable city - a technical room to connote dismay; an opposite to the clean concept of sustainability. This idea, in our minds, is presented to you in this creation.
Features - Holotable with micro-city design [Includes towers, wind turbines, hydroturbine, satellite farms, docking bays, marina, gardens and various other features], 4 cryotubes with mutated seahorses for genetic tests, crates, science laboratory room with computers and an entry-way damaged by someone inside the lab... ur nan
Build size - approx. 1000x1000
Concept - The idea behind this creation is that the concept of sustainability will work in concept but not in reality. Therefore we took the idea of a single room with equipment to create a design for a sustainable city - a technical room to connote dismay; an opposite to the clean concept of sustainability. This idea, in our minds, is presented to you in this creation.
Features - Holotable with micro-city design [Includes towers, wind turbines, hydroturbine, satellite farms, docking bays, marina, gardens and various other features], 4 cryotubes with mutated seahorses for genetic tests, crates, science laboratory room with computers and an entry-way damaged by someone inside the lab... ur nan
Production Team
Head Builder - Aequotis
Builder - Blockceptional
Builder - Tomvdb99
Emotional support - GGJ, your mum, Templar_Dawid
Builder - Blockceptional
Builder - Tomvdb99
Emotional support - GGJ, your mum, Templar_Dawid
Post-Production Team
Media Links
> Twitter: www.twitter.com/CubedCommunity
> Website: www.cubedcommunitycom
[!] Disclaimer: Feel free to use this work for personal use, otherwise please supply the proper credits for this work if you use it for public use. DO NOT use for profit and do not re-upload elsewhere without contacting Cubed Creative for permission. We reserve every right to this work and you accept this by downloading for your use whether public or private, ayy.
Credit | Cubed Creative |
Progress | 100% complete |
Tags |
1 Update Logs
Vive la updates! : by Aequotis 09/11/2016 8:46:01 amSep 11th, 2016
We've updated the description with more information and reviewed links [few were incorrect, silly Baequotis].
Meanwhile enjoy the new cinematic by Kwa, its amazing and you should certainly take a toot!
Lastly, redone the line-up of images present on the post, we felt they were a bit random.
But lastly lastly, we'll reopen Cubed soon to let you all view the build in person; keep an eye on our Twitter. [We cleaned up the world on our server, much cleaner]
*Tips fedora
Meanwhile enjoy the new cinematic by Kwa, its amazing and you should certainly take a toot!
Lastly, redone the line-up of images present on the post, we felt they were a bit random.
But lastly lastly, we'll reopen Cubed soon to let you all view the build in person; keep an eye on our Twitter. [We cleaned up the world on our server, much cleaner]
*Tips fedora
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with your permission i will put this on my new server and fill it with quest-giver Npc's