Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Ebon Hawk - KOTOR

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Level 55 : Grandmaster Fox
Here i have created one of my all time favorite starwars space ship, although its now no longer starwars cannon because of the handover to Disney, it is still a remarkable freighter from the starwars universe.

The Ebon Hawk for those who don't know is the space ship in Knights of the old republic (one of the best starwars games (if you haven't played it what are you doing with your life, go play it immediately!):P). Anyway In the start of the game although you don't yet have the ship you are on a larger transport ship when the ship is being attacked by a sith lord, you and another member of the crew escape via escape pod, where you crash land on a city planet where the sith are stopping people entering and leaving the planet for reasons (you want a better explained story? go play the game), however the sith decide to destroy the planet so you must find a way to escape, on the way to your escape of the planet you encounter some people in the lower city and they offer to get you off the planet however the only way is the steal a ship called the Ebon Hawk from its current owner Davik Kang, in an attempt to steal the ship you accidentally walk into Davik Kang where you must fight for your effort to escape, in doing so you kill Davik Kang taking ownership of this Dynamic-class Freighter.

Ebon Hawk - KOTOR Minecraft Map
Dynamic-Class Freighter (Ebon Hawk)

Server IP: greathavilland.nn.pe:25565
Dynmap link: http://greathavilland.nn.pe:8123/#
Server owners Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ShowingThatGame
CreditGreat Havilland, Wookieepedia (for the information and sizes of the ship)
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Uploaded Schematic : by Pieberius 08/07/2016 8:40:47 amAug 7th, 2016

Uploaded Schematic

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08/07/2016 8:40 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Fox
Any problems with the Schematic please let me know so i can fix it thanks
08/05/2016 3:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
This looks pretty good, any chances for a download?
08/05/2016 3:33 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Fox
Possibly in the future, not definitely, but if i can get hold of it in single player because atm its on a server
08/05/2016 3:45 pm
Level 40 : Master Miner
I could do with a WorldEdit schematic too.
Also, would you be interested in building other space ships?
08/05/2016 3:59 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Fox
Depends what ones, and if i did have it in single player then i would have a schematic
08/05/2016 1:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
Looking good!
