This Map is an entry in the completed Underwater Wonderland Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Echoes from The Deep...

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EverbloomStudios's Avatar EverbloomStudios
Level 59 : Grandmaster Network
Echoes from The Deep...

A once prosperous civilization now fears for their lives, the Martens have heard rumors of tumult on the seabed, cyber pirates invading. An infamous threat that has been terrorizing the seas with a sweep of domination has finally come to its core.
As the Martens are preparing for war and the ships of the Cyber Pirates are growing upon the horizon they are not left alone, The Company of Robotic Evolution has joined forces.
Drawing energy from the rich coral reefs nearby their source of power is inexhaustible.

Desperate times call for desperate needs, a new ship of the Cyber Pirates has arrived, their latest model, ever more devastating. In fear of complete destruction they call upon the Sea goddess Mermalia. Their desperate prayers are answered and an army of fish has now joined the Martens in war. But do not underestimate these creatures…Some flee in fear of the advanced technology of the Cyber Pirates, others stay and fight bravely, the peace of the ocean lies in their hands. Guarding a sacred place that has brought peace for centuries, they are fighting an all-deciding battle to the death

Construction details
In the first week of the contest we were struggling to give our build some meaning and have more depth to it. But after lots of heated discussions and tackling our problems through the visualisation of Hyther's drawings we got to a concept that we were all proud of and convinced would put up a fight against our amazing competition. By trying a lot of new techniques and styles we think we have stepped up our game from previous builds and we hope that you think so too!

Special shoutout to some builders who helped a little extra: Hytherdel & Drixinator!

Full HD Renders and Screenshots

Keep up to date with Everbloom Studios' projects by following us on Social Media or get more info by visiting our website!


CreditDrixinator, Hytherdel, Tober888, _JamesS, lpcloud, Arieben, moordegaai, Alecdent, CrispyLeper, Hockeyblocker, Swiftie, Tommys_Creation, Render Credits : goCreative
Progress100% complete

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02/24/2019 9:06 pm
Level 1 : New Network
MC-Ontario's Avatar
This build really is remarkable for just 24h build time.

I will be using this on my server. I have been working on a brand new server for a couple weeks now. This build is exactly what I was looking for to inspire Creative players New and Old.
01/22/2017 10:42 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Jsfai's Avatar
this is the most amazing map i have ever seen
Shin Akuma
09/04/2016 8:23 pm
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
Shin Akuma's Avatar
How many people made this?
07/21/2016 10:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
qq1301692703's Avatar
Hi EverbloomStudios! I'm an editor of China.
I've found your new project

Echoes from The Deep...

. It's really a nice job.
Therefore I'm here to ask if I could repost your project to our website
However, due to the fact that our country has blocked a lot of foreign websites.
So could you allow us create a new Chinese downlink.
I will list your name and the original website clearly.
07/23/2016 5:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Network
EverbloomStudios's Avatar
Sure you can, as long as you link to our website: and give us full credit on every post :) Feel free to post any of our projects under these conditions to your website.
07/24/2016 9:07 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
qq1301692703's Avatar
No problem ,233(233 In China is the meaning of laughter)
03/21/2016 10:08 am
Level 24 : Expert Architect
PrismaWorks's Avatar
Hey @EverbloomStudios ,
My buildteam and me want to use parts of your build for a new Underwater-SG-Map.
Is this ok/possible?
08/08/2015 5:55 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Chillkroete's Avatar
I fna a lot, guys! So much inspiration!
08/05/2015 1:13 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Cowboy
Ruben0_0's Avatar
Once again your entry is my favourite
08/03/2015 11:26 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Drixinator's Avatar
Dis teem thoe
