Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

ejbs - Temple of Castor and Pollux - ( Roman Building )

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Texture Pack Ancient World Creative for Minecraft Beta 1.6.6

Temple of Castor and Pollux

Building measurements:
( a in-game block = 1 metre )
Length: 57m
Width: 35m
Height: 34m

Schematic, SBL files(*.sbl and *.png) for the new blocks

- It is recommend that you own the Minecraft Beta 1.6.6
( mod support for Minecraft Beta 1.7 too, but no guarantee of not experiencing strange lightning - it cant be fixed with the help in the Troubleshooting section )
- install the mods. If not, you will missing details.

i suggest to setup a sparate minecraft.jar file( because of possible incompatibility between mods ). With MCNostalgia you can downgrade your Minecraft copy. Don't forget to make a backup !

Here is a complete list of the recommended steps for the ejbs Ancient World schematic
- Temple of Castor and Pollux
suggested steps: 0.0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5


point 0.x essentials
point 1.x Download
point 2.x install

0.0 Download MCedit ( to put the building in your map) :

0.1 Download the texture pack:
please note the right version( compatible Beta 1.6.6 - 1.0 !

1. Download ( every mod for Minecraft Beta 1.6.6 )

1.1 ModLoader ( needed to enable mod installation )

1.2 ModLoaderMP ( only needed for the mod: Simple Block Loader )

1.3 Microcubes A.K.A EighthBlocks by Elarnon( for building details )
( look for the spoiler: old versions )

1.4 Better Blocks by Kalin_Magus( for building details )
( look for the spoiler: old Versions )

1.5 Simple Block Loader by DerEchteNexus ( for building details: mostly Ornaments )
( look for older versions: SBL v1.2 )

1.6 Sound Mod Enabler by Epinull ( for especially this map ) steps on wool sounds like stone)

2. install: ( see also the install instructions on the Website of the Mods. You can follow the following
install instructions and it should work fine. )

2.1 ModLoader
- copy the files in the downloaded .zip file into the minecraft.jar
- delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar

2.2 ModLoaderMP
- copy the files in the downloaded .zip file into the minecraft.jar
- delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar

2.3 Microcubes A.K.A EighthBlocks
- copy all the files/folders from the dowmnloaded .zip file in the minecraft.jar file
- delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar.

2.4 BetterBlocks:
- copy the files: ".class" files to minecraft.jar
- copy the folder: BetterGui into the minecraft.jar.
- delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar.

2.5 Simple Block Loader ( needs ModLoaderMP )
- put all the files from the downloaded .zip file in the minecraft.jar

- copy all .sbl files, from the downloaded .zip file from this page, into the following folder ( for Windows XP )
C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/.minecraft/mods/SBL
- copy all .png files, from the downloaded .zip file from this page, into the minecraft.jar.

2.6 Sound Mod Enabler:
- copy all ".class" files into the minecraft.jar
- Delete the META-INF folder in the minecraft.jar.

the following files can be found here: ( for Windows XP )
C:/Documents and Settings/username/Application Data/.minecraft/resources/newsound/step

- replace the files: ( cloth1.ogg / cloth2.ogg / cloth3.ogg / cloth4.ogg ) with,
for example, ( stone1.ogg / stone2.ogg / stone3.ogg / stone4.ogg ).

detail instruction:
- copy the files: cloth1.ogg / cloth2.ogg / cloth3.ogg / cloth4.ogg into a folder for backup
- delete the original files: cloth1.ogg / cloth2.ogg / cloth3.ogg / cloth4.ogg

- copy the files: stone1.ogg / stone2.ogg / stone3.ogg / stone4.ogg and paste in the same folder
rename the just copied/pasted files to: cloth1.ogg / cloth2.ogg / cloth3.ogg / cloth4.ogg

Additional Notes

- Do not redistribute.
- You are not allowed to make money off this work
- Do not make pictures/videos of this building for public.

Troubleshooting: ( for Minecraft version Beta 1.6.6 )
If you experience strange shadows:
destroy a block nearby and replace it, then it should be fixed. Note: use the right tool or the block just disappears. ( use the hammer(right click) for microcubes )
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by EdJohnnyBoy 11/30/2011 5:59:26 amNov 30th, 2011

Added the sign of Castor and Pollux
reduced the file size ( deleted useless files )

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craft mine girl
11/28/2011 3:20 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
castor and pollex=greek mytholey?
11/28/2011 3:57 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Castor and Pollux are names from greek and roman mythology.
craft mine girl
11/28/2011 3:17 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
castor and pollux=romen mytholey?
11/28/2011 3:02 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
i love all of your buildings, there so good i would love to be able to see you make a huge city!!
11/27/2011 9:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aren't those guys from the hunger games?
11/27/2011 6:18 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Electrician
Castor and Pollux? Aren't those names from Soul Calibur 2? I don't really know, but those names sound familiar
11/27/2011 7:10 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
Castor and Pollux are the names of the twin sons of Zeus, Which exist as a constellation.
11/27/2011 9:19 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Electrician
Well, I feel ignorant XD Thanks for telling me
11/27/2011 4:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
excellent city.
11/27/2011 2:15 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Beatiful !
