Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[Snapshot 15w31a+] Ender Rod Parkour by GerganaGZ

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GerganaGZ's Avatar GerganaGZ
Level 43 : Master Musician
Ender Rod Parkour Style - Original Idea by Me! Maybe...
This Jump/Parkour Map requires 15w31a snapshot or above (in the future)!!

Hey guys!
is a parkour map by me! This parkour contains 9 Levels (and bonus level, that is short) full with trolling things and.. Ender Rods!
Also in this map are not only Ender Rods, it have blocks, that adds to you effects. Also it has XRun parts, invisible blocks (barriers) parkour parts and more and more!
If you're teleported nowhere, or somewhere, that is not the parkour, just type in the chat:
/tp -667 55 2325

TIP: In the map has some invisible blocks, so if you think that a jump is impossible, just look for them..
Another TIP: Read the signs, to get into the right way
Another Another TIP : Don't cheat with Levitation, it's not interesting like that -___-

Now is released Snapshot 15w31c, it's recommended to use it, because in 15w31a has strange bugs with signs, and tellraw, and a lot of things, so use the newer snapshots on this map in the future

Block Effects
These blocks are the blocks, that gives you effects in the map. Some of them are displayed in the map, but.. just to make a list of them :)

Black Stained Clay - Slowness
Red Stained Clay - Death
Light Gray Stained Clay - Wither Poison
Coal Block - Blindness
Dark Purple Stained Clay - Levitation
Purple Stained Clay - Check-Point
Yellow Stained Clay - Finish the Level
Redstone Lamp - Speed 50 (for XRun)
And... maybe more, that I will not display :D

This map is builded for 4 Hours... Not pretty much!
Builded the redstone system - 30-40 mins.
Total - Around 4 Hours and 35 Minutes.

If you are gonna make a video on this parkour, paste a link to my PMC profile, or just don't say nothing about this... lel :D

Hope you enjoy it!

Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by GerganaGZ 08/05/2015 5:23:59 amAug 5th, 2015

- Added some new futures *YAY*
- Fixed a bug, when you get a coin, to teleport nowhere..

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Caporal Dxl
07/30/2015 9:46 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
Great job, dude. I made a 1.9 map soon from the release, but it's just buildings. Mind checking it out?
07/30/2015 10:40 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
GerganaGZ's Avatar
I checked it out.
I'm a girl btw..
Caporal Dxl
07/30/2015 11:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
Oh, sorry, didn't think about it (...awkard). Thanks for checking it out!
07/31/2015 2:43 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
GerganaGZ's Avatar
No Problems :) . Btw a lot of people think, that I'm not girl, because some of them maybe think that my name is Gergan or something, but I'm Gergana and this is specific Bulgarian Female name, so don't worry :) :D
