Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

English Full Sail Gallion - ImperiumMC

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ImperiumMC's Avatar ImperiumMC
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
This ship was inspired by the HMS Victory however I did some seriously big modifications as I was not going for an exact replica of the real thing. Full sail was when a ship had not only the main sails open but extended side sails, these were designed to create incredibly high speeds and often were so wide that they would triple the ships width.

I would like to thank Roddan for doing the second render, here is a link to his PMC. His stuff is NEAT


The first render is of my own work however I sadly do not have the time to do commissions on renders. I would like to point out though that I do find it very warming that so many of you have contacted me to see if I can do renders for you but its really not viable in comparison to the time it takes.

If you would like to know any further information on the ship or you just want to drop a NEAT please post a comment, I read them all.


(Video possibly coming if there is enough interest)
Progress100% complete

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11/24/2018 11:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
w3eb's Avatar
Where is the download?
08/04/2017 11:54 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
lukz2cool's Avatar
This is fairly well done. Great job on it!
01/05/2017 11:06 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
FirmusPiett's Avatar
Very nice, brilliant renders too!
10/30/2016 7:42 am
Level 76 : Legendary Crafter
JohnnyCoolwater's Avatar
good job!
09/12/2016 1:47 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Darn impressive made project, not to mention the first two renders. You can make a tutorial though about rendering/editing.

Added a favorite for the done interior since I cannot diamond twice.
09/14/2016 10:28 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
ImperiumMC's Avatar
Thank you very much! I may consider doing a rendering tutorial, its a rather specific thing per build so I may have to do a build with a lot of aspects so I can cover everything. Thanks again!
09/11/2016 2:01 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Explorer
Desdruktiva's Avatar
Just saying.. yours is hardly the only "full sail" ship in mc, which yours isn't actually, you don't have all the staysails in there for example. But otherwise good job keep it up.
09/11/2016 2:42 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
ImperiumMC's Avatar
This is quite an old build of mine but I think the reason I was missing the middle stay sails was simply because it didn't look as nice with them, its relatively close to actual size so I really was lacking on room when it came to the sails and with them in it became far too cluttered. You are correct about "the only full sail ship in mc" though, I did do a huge amount of research prior too however I have now found one. There are a lot of ships on minecraft but I just noticed a trend of only having the main sails and no studding sails which were used for huge amounts of power, this just makes me feel ships are no where near as epic without them.
09/11/2016 6:23 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Explorer
Desdruktiva's Avatar
Yes they do look more badass, allthough they weren't actually used so regularly, more so than royals though.
09/12/2016 7:52 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
ImperiumMC's Avatar
My use of them in the renders is technically wrong, they would be blown off in weather like that xD I seem to remember they are used more for flat water sailing but lets just say its a little bit of artistic license.
