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AtlantisArchitecture's Avatar AtlantisArchitecture
Level 32 : Artisan Network


This is the first time that we even tried to do something like this. Re-creating something in Minecraft isnt such an easy thing as it looks. Thats why some of the things in this build arent 100% correct. Erebor, a great looking mine with so much welth you will start acting strange when you come close. You can smell the gold wich is gaurded by a massive dragon called Smaug. 

In our re-creation of Erebor there is no inside YET. We are just giving you guys a sneak peak of what we are going to do. We are also planning on building Laketown and Mirkwood. Due me (Bassieboy14) going on a holiday we are pausing this project untill im back. When im back we will continue with the lands of Middle-Earth. So stay tuned if you want to see more and be the first one to look inside Erebor!

Note: next time the screenshots will be with shaders. 

Buildt by: 

[Owner] Bassieboy14
[Builder] PrxehTC


Atlantis Architecture

Progress100% complete

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07/09/2015 4:46 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Nice start!  I can't wait to see more of this!  ;)
07/09/2015 9:49 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
Stop beating me to everything! xD
07/10/2015 3:21 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
You gotta be quicker than that.  :P
07/09/2015 5:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Prxeh's Avatar
Hey thanks, It was a very exciting start build. Tune in to this, mine and basie's account for more.
