Minecraft Maps / Other

Fantasy Flower shop

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Schwi Dola
Level 46 : Master Miner
This is a building that I built with a friend on a Minecraft server. My friend is responsible for most of the building, and I am responsible for the exterior decoration of the building. Each has their own division of labor, and later my friend agreed to send out the map

Fantasy Flower shop By Minecraft Version 1.19.2-1.20.1
Tip: This file is a schematic file of Litematica that needs to be opened using Litematica mod. If you don't know what a schematic file is, you can search for the Minecraft Litematica tutorial
幻想花店 我的世界梦幻建筑 游戏版本1.19.2-1.20.1
提示:该文件是litematica的一个原理图文件 需要使用litematica mod打开 如果你不知道什么是原理图文件 可以搜索Minecraft litematica 使用教程
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