Minecraft Maps / Complex

FF7 Battle Arena & Battle Arena Hub

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Level 26 : Expert Network
A basic layout of the infamous Final Fantasy VII Battle Arena as well as Arena Hub. We will continue on the work to better the build over time but enjoy the use of this for now.

Blocks used: 976,000

-The build is set up with Mob Arena and and PvP in mind although any Minigame can be added throughout the Arena Hub.
-A portal setup point is set up for player arrivals within the Arena Hub.
-During battles spectators can join the outer skirts to overlook the battles.
-Arena Hub has a fairly decent amount of space for the use of additional Mob or PvP Arena signs.

The outside of the build can be used for another arena or rebuilt into the Chocobo Race Hub (Minecart).

When you paste this in on ground level there will be a void around the build from ground level and below just fill it in and you will be laughing. "//fill 2 100" and its done.

Hope you enjoy the use of this build folks, cheers!

Additional. The Flows HD 1.14 Resource Pack is used within our Server. Something equivalent should also suffice.
CreditDazzekiel, Major_Creation
Progress95% complete

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