Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

[Fictional ship] 'Botanica' East Indiaman - 50-gun Fourth Rate

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Davy__Jones's Avatar Davy__Jones
Level 18 : Journeyman Fish
'Botanica' Indiaman.

  A powerful 50-gun Dutch East Indiaman capable of delivering a heavy broadside and built to carry as much cargo as possible, making for an optimal combination of merchant and combat strengths. However, she can't withstand as much punishment as many of the purely combat-oriented ships. It was built in 1718 in Amsterdam and was captained by Jan-Willem de Ridder, a merchantman and scientist obsessed with the occult and harnessing the potential of nature. On the 14th of February 1753, it was captured by privateers near Curacao and it's subsequent fate is unknown.

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test_subject 0-0
β€’ 09/01/2021 10:27 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
test_subject 0-0's Avatar
Woah the 3D test makes it even better.
β€’ 09/03/2021 6:41 pm
β€’ Level 18 : Journeyman Fish
Davy__Jones's Avatar
Thank you! I'm glad you and others are able to enjoy my build :D

I will be sure to build a couple more in the following weeks
β€’ 08/31/2021 12:57 pm
β€’ Level 1 : New Miner
Fr4nkM's Avatar
So awesome!! 😍
β€’ 09/01/2021 8:40 pm
β€’ Level 18 : Journeyman Fish
Davy__Jones's Avatar
Thank ye, lad! :D
