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ToxicBigFoot's Avatar ToxicBigFoot
Level 32 : Artisan Crafter
Hey Guys it's Kal16!

Today i bring you a basic, simple finished product of fightclub!

We decided that maybe this would be something fun to have and people can settle one on one disputes here, or even ask to fight other players, bare fisted, no armour or weapons aside from the coloured leather leggings (Blue & Red) 

I know it's a bit boring a basic to look at, but when we put it to the test for some reason it was rather funny to watch, never the less, it's finished :P

This idea was thought of by our clan leader Goku, and i think it's a pretty neat idea.

The doors you see are both connected to the main commentator's view box with a switch next to two lamps, when the players are both ready, they'll push a button inside the "waiting rooms" and the redstone lights turn on, when both lights are turnt on, the doors will be flung open via the switch.

A simple and basic idea, just remember, rule one of fightclub... i think i broke it D:

I'm looking for more idea's, inspiriation and maybe perhaps a helping hand to continue making more and better and possibly bigger builds such as the photo's you'll see present. If anyone could give me any pointers,tips, heads up or even a helping hand i'd appreciate it greatly.

I'm not sure if advertising is allowed on this site via a project but if the admin's don't like it then i guess they can edit my comment out can't they? This website is really slow for when i upload stuff and takes a while to load pages.

For those wanting to join and play in the Server we run 1.7.10 of minecraft, and the server address is

You can either message me personally or post your comments below.

I'm rather new to this minecraft thing so i hope this is a good starting point, onwards & upwards i guess.

I really look forward to any positive comments that'll help me progress further & maybe anyone that would be willing to give a helping hand.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

CreditFightclub, Challenge, Fun, Adventure, Redstone, PvP, Survival
Progress100% complete

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