Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Flashback Hell I : Undergrove Jungle [CTM-Adventure]

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GeoCobra's Avatar GeoCobra
Level 25 : Expert Lego Builder

The first adventure of the new CTM map series 'Flashback Hell' awaits you!
Explore a mysterious jungle, discover the remains of an ancient civilization and try to survive in this dangerous world!

In Undergrove Jungle, your objective will be to search for 13 music discs scattered in various areas, which you will discover as you progress through the map. Then bring them to the Monument to complete it! What secret is hidden in the depths of the jungle?

However, your quest will not be the easiest... hordes of creatures will attack you in deadly environments and many traps will test your courage.
Of course, you can count on tons of custom items to help you in your adventure, you just have to defeat the monsters guarding them!

Undergrove Jungle aims to remain a simple, straightforward experience, with many classic survival elements and an emphasis on exploration and combat.

Original features are also present thanks to the Cartographer datapack (by PearUhDox), which adds new enchantments and special abilities for mobs among others.

The map also features a different death system (created by orian34): Death Toll! Now death has consequences, but without the inventory management tedium! Will set keepInventory, but in exchange, each death will add debt and if you die with a toll unpaid it will wipe your inventory. Breaking spawners will pay a part of the toll as well as give back one of the lost items, with a limit of 3 deaths paid in advance. Default is 12 spawners per death.

More info here: https://github.com/orian34/deathToll

More Infos :
  • Version : 1.17.1 (/!\ Very important, play in this version only /!\)
  • Objectives : 13 + 2 Bonus
  • Map Type : Linear - Branching
  • Difficulty : Medium
  • Length : Medium (7-12 hours of gameplay!)
  • Multiplayer : 1-3 players

I hope you will enjoy the map! Feel free to leave a comment, and you can contact me on discord if you find bugs or problems with the map : GeoCobra#5782

Beta Testers : Eolio - LePriMath - orian34 - ZeyD_

FH Logo designer : Bakku
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Developer's commentaty WIP : by GeoCobra 10/07/2022 1:32:40 pmOct 7th, 2022

I am currently working on a video that will explain the map area by area, in French.

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02/25/2024 12:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
fenyagod's Avatar
This is a great map! there are many different locations, items, monsters, and it is quite long and elaborate. in my opinion, this map deserves a rating of 9.5/10. I went through it with a friend completely without cheats in 14 hours. I wish there were more maps like this.

Thank you, the author! It's awesome!
02/25/2024 2:29 pm
Level 25 : Expert Lego Builder
GeoCobra's Avatar
Hey! Thanks for playing and for the comment, I'm glad you liked the map so much! If you want to find other similar maps, I recommend taking a look at the CTM Community Discord server https://discord.gg/ctmc :D
09/17/2022 6:20 am
Level 75 : Legendary Creator
FunkyToc's Avatar
This is huge !!
09/17/2022 7:34 am
Level 25 : Expert Lego Builder
GeoCobra's Avatar
Thanks Funky :D
08/30/2022 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
livingalexey's Avatar
maann this looks so cool i'm excited for it!! wound up making an account just to subscribe to it hahaha. cheers :)
09/05/2022 11:41 am
Level 25 : Expert Lego Builder
GeoCobra's Avatar
Thank you for following me! The map will be available soon, but fixing bugs always takes a little longer than expected.
