Minecraft Maps / Complex

Forbidden City of Beijing [Abandoned till idk when]

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sycoinc's Avatar sycoinc
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
I am attempting to build the Forbidden City of Beijing on Pwegoserver (server address mc.pwegoable.com)

Currently it has been a slow process due to lack of time to build. I have spent just over 1.5mths on this.. Only cuboided sections were to flatten land and fill with double steps

There are some sections like the Palace that are not in the actual real city, i just placed them there to make it more interesting

Pictures will update regulary.. total completed size will be 450x450ish blocks

Additional Notes

No Longer Working on this Project
CreditSycoinc, Novasupreme, Cookiemanzz
Progress40% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by sycoinc 10/05/2011 7:56:41 pmOct 5th, 2011

Over the last 2 months i have had not time to work on this so no further progress has been made. However i have started the outer buildings

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04/23/2012 6:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
mr_marc's Avatar
YOU are the one behind this city?? XD i found it someday flying around checking griefs and was like who made this masterpiece :P
04/23/2012 6:04 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
that was made like a year ago, back when i just got vip2... still not finished
12/24/2011 8:52 am
Level 41 : Master Dolphin
TheAppleMachine's Avatar
nice syc ;D
10/06/2011 3:35 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
rusty6's Avatar
whats the warp to it syconic??? like to check it out next time when im on...
10/06/2011 6:39 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
atm it is a private warp but i will be getting an admin to make it public soon it is /forbiddencity for when it is public
07/28/2011 3:41 am
Level 82 : Elite Architect
bohtauri's Avatar
2 small bit of advice: 1. Forbidden City is rectangle and 2. Google maps is your friend :D Check out here for more help, if your wanting more advice im keen to share my research.
07/28/2011 4:38 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
I am going off this image.... its nor a complete rectangle... more of a square... the main middle section is a rectangle >>better version of image<<forbidden-cityjpg
07/27/2011 9:25 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
azndarkblade's Avatar
looking ABSOLUTELY awesome so far =] Can't wait for the complete world save
07/27/2011 9:50 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Programmer
sycoinc's Avatar
There wont be a world save but you can hop on the server i play on to see it..
07/26/2011 11:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
a_zebra_assasin's Avatar
This is absolutely AMAZING i might have to visit the server in few.. ;)
