Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

French Battleship Richelieu 1:1

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daemonbenj's Avatar daemonbenj
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
[EN] Richelieu was a French battleship and the lead ship of her class. She was a scaled-up version of the previous Dunkerque class. Ordered in 1935, and designed to counter the Italian Littorio-class battleships, Richelieu was the first French 35,000-ton battleship. She was also the first modern battleship built after the 1922 Treaty of Washington. She featured a main armament of eight 380 mm (15 inch) guns in two quadruple turrets in forward superfiring positions. Her armour and underwater protection were equal to most contemporary craft. She was, however, limited by a weak anti-aircraft artillery suite and optical-only fire control. In trial runs, her speed was a little higher than her European contemporaries, and only surpassed by the U.S. Navy's modern, fast battleships. In June 1940 she was nearing completion in a shipyard in Brest in northwest France. To avoid capture she left the yard for Dakar in French West Africa (modern-day Senegal). She served during World War II, first on the Vichy Regime side, notably fending off a 1940 Allied attack on Dakar. In 1943 she switched to the Allied side. After refitting in New York Navy Yard, she operated with Royal Navy forces in the Indian Ocean in 1944 and 1945. She took part in the return of French forces to Indochina in 1945, and continued to serve into the 1960s.

[FR] Le Richelieu était un cuirassé Français de la classe du même nom. C’était une version agrandie de la précédente classe Dunkerque. Commandé en 1935 et imaginé pour contrer les cuirassés italiens de la classe Littorio. Le Richelieu fut le premier cuirassé français de plus de 35000 tonnes, il fut aussi le premier cuirassé moderne construit après le Traité de Washington de 1922. Il accueille un armement principal de 8 cannons de 380 mm (15 pouces) en deux tourelles quadruples en position avant. Sont blindage et sa protection sous marine était égale a la majorité des navires contemporains. Il fut cependant équipé d'un armement anti-aérien limité et un contrôle de tir seulement optique. Lors des essais, sa vitesse fut légèrement supérieure aux navires européens du moment et était seulement surpassée par les cuirassés rapides de l'US Navy. En juin 1940 le navire était en fin d'armement a Brest et du fuir vers Dakar pour éviter la capture par les troupes allemandes. Il servit lors de la seconde guerre mondiale d'abord pour le régime de Vichy notamment contre une attaque des alliés sur Dakar en 1940. En 1943 le navire rejoint les alliés et subit une modernisation a New York.. Elle servit auprès de la Royal Navy, dans l'Océan Indien en 1944 et 1945 pris part au retour des forces françaises en Indochine en 1945 et continua a servir jusque dans les années 60.

Length:248 m (813 ft 8 in)
33 m (108 ft)
9.60 m (31 ft 6 in)

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Creative Commons License

French Battleship Richelieu 1:1 by daemonbenj is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
CreditRenders by HelixArea51
Progress100% complete

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06/24/2017 9:14 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Wrangler's Avatar
Excellent work, very detailed. Too bad it doesn't have movecraft so you can use it!
06/26/2017 2:12 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
daemonbenj's Avatar
Haha thank you ^^ but i dont use movecraft ^^
08/20/2017 8:07 am
Level 30 : Artisan Explorer
Wrangler's Avatar
I made the Jean Bart, but it's pales in comparison to what you made. The scaling i have to use with "NavalCraft" version movecraft i use tends to create limitations.
06/23/2017 5:30 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Sailor
Anchor_Yuki's Avatar
Great Work !!!! clap clap
06/26/2017 2:12 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
daemonbenj's Avatar
Thank you mate :)
Sunshine Cruise Line
06/23/2017 3:33 pm
Level 48 : Master Sailor
Sunshine Cruise Line's Avatar
This. Is. Extremely. Awesome. And. Fantastic. I. Love. It. So. Much.
06/26/2017 2:11 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
daemonbenj's Avatar
Haha thanks!
06/23/2017 7:25 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Artist
aurvandil's Avatar
daemonbenji, you are great ship artist. it is really awesome french battleship i love it
06/23/2017 1:03 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Engineer
daemonbenj's Avatar
Thank you mate! :)
06/23/2017 5:42 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
LeFalcoDu92i's Avatar
WWouuaa c tro bo !

