Minecraft Maps / Complex

Giza - Great Pyramid

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LeBenoist's Avatar LeBenoist
Level 20 : Expert Architect
New project to study the Giza pyramid complex.
I wanted to build something quite huge (again for my son :-) ) but not too difficult !
My first step is the great pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops, Kheops, ...).
My plan is to use this opportunity to study a little bit about pyramids architecture, and try to build the official chambers and corridors known today.
I'm not sure if this will be of any interest to someone else as it will be quite "empty", and I've seen many Minecraft pyramids around, but this one will be mine :-)
And if someone likes big structures and wants to use it to dig many holes, corridors, build traps, etc., be my guest !
Next project may be the other pyramids and structures, to build the full Giza complex. But that may be too optimistic ;-)

v1 is available as world save and schematic :-)
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by LeBenoist 09/11/2017 8:19:11 amSep 11th, 2017

First version made available as world save.
I decided not to dig the so called "the well"... not really relevant I think.
And no hidden stuff in v1 :-)
Just a pyramid with empty corridors and chambers.... like it is.

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09/10/2017 3:13 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
bjbrown84's Avatar
very nice project. I already did almost all of the smaller pyramids.
pity you making so many compromises.
09/10/2017 5:22 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
LeBenoist's Avatar
Yes, a bit frustrating not be able to be totally realistic :-D
But that's Minecraft.
The main compromises are due to the 1:1 ratio that does not allow to make the real sizes for the corridors. Minecraft requires 2 blocks height to be able to walk in :-/ I choose to stick to 1 block = 1 meter.
Also, it's not possible to make nice diagonals and slopes, so, I stick to 1/1 (45°) and 1/2, which is not true (and may cause cosmic disorder if some esoteric theories about pyramids geometry are true ! :-D :-D )
The rest is more related to (artistic) "choices" than to "compromises".
I decided to expose the structures on top of main entry in a better state than it is today, and not to hide it like it was initially. It has to do with the theories about a second hidden entry and corridor.
But at the same time, I choose to cover the pyramid with white stones, like it was initially (and at that time, the entry was not visible).
I'll craft the current corridors and chambers.
My current hesitation is : should I build the original (known) corridors only, without the sealing mechanisms (to allow walking around), or should I build the current situation : seals, and additional tunnels made by thieves and explorers, to go around ?
Next question : should I pick one theory (like Houdin) to build hidden and unknown internal structures ? may be... may be...
Well, I talk to much, and should be crafting ;-)

Thanks for your comment.
(and wow ! you've done amazing maps !)
09/10/2017 12:39 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
bjbrown84's Avatar
Yeah, I rebuild ancient history for around 3 years. I am already past frustrating xD.

1:1 is really ambitious I really would love to take a tour when you are done. Most of my Egypt builds are 1:3, 1:2 and a few 1:1 as often they just were too big to fit on my current map.

If you stick with the 1/1(45°) only you will be short around 26 blocks (I need to check if remember that right).
right angle: I played around with angle when I started great pyramid (didn't make the cut on the map as it was to big xD), just can't remember right now the very nice combination ( a good looking combination which gives a good look and right height)
I would go with the unsealed corridors and also add bigger tunnels of robbers (if there are any around giza).
it's more fun xD.

Two things you shouldn't do.
build survival and using the original mixture of building materials, that might suck.
there is a very good reason why many of the now broken pyramids (there are a lot ) did not withstand the wheel of time. xD

two version I really love: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/the-giza-necropolis-coming-soon/


I can relate very good to build for my son, but my is too little at the moment to actually enjoy all my builds xD
09/10/2017 12:57 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
LeBenoist's Avatar
Well, 5k years, I think it's quite resilient ! :-)
But I see your point. I'm not afraid as I'm not running servers. I'll juste provide the schematic and a flat map.
I'll go with the current corridors, with the robbers tunnels to go around the granite blocks for the ascending corridor.
I "may" dig some hidden places to fit with some theories : hidden corridor, hidden chamber, internal ramp used for building (Houdin), ... not sure yet. But I will probably not make these informations public :-D .
I'll post a "version 1" (schematics) when the robbers tunnels will be done. Not sure if I'll have time this evening, we will see.
Thanks for your support :-)
09/06/2017 10:18 pm
Level 46 : Master Musician
CVerse's Avatar
wow, you're actually doing this for your son? #bestdadever
idk if you're using World Edit or MCEdit to build the pyramid, but if you're not I would HIGHLY encourage you to use either one of them. They will help you save way more time than if you do this by hand. It's really easy to learn too. I use it for my theme park map and they work great!
Also, getting Google Earth Pro can help too. I'm sure there's a full model of Giza on there by now. You can use the 3D path, ruler, or 3D polygon tools to measure its height, length, perimeter, and more
09/07/2017 4:30 am
Level 20 : Expert Architect
LeBenoist's Avatar
Hello, thanks for your message.
I've never tried World Edit, I'll check it ASAP ! :-)
I've used MCEdit for the Arena, but for the pyramid it's not really relevant.
The main (massive) structure is simply built with series of "executefile" from CommandRunner Mod, containing many /fill generated from a script. So, don't worry, I did not craft every single block for it :-D
But if WorldEdit makes it simpler, I'll use it, thanks for the advice.
About Google Earth, yes, it can be quite interesting for the Giza complex ! For the pyramid itself, Wikipedia, and many archeologist forums, provide more than sufficient information.
Plus : my goal is also to learn things about this place, so it's really interesting to dig and read many forums with specialists explaining why some specific stone is here and not there, how it was built, etc.
But again... it doesn't really help me for crafting, but crafting is just an excuse to learn :-)
09/07/2017 11:59 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dragonborn
Fonta's Avatar
you can also use WorldPainter, with layers, you can do pyramid in one clic ^^
09/07/2017 2:58 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
LeBenoist's Avatar
Yes ! I'll try this one too :-)
It can definitely help for big structures, before crafting details.
Pyramid in one click ? I'll use it for the next ones :-D :-D
Anyway, it was quite fun to script.
Thanks for your advice.
