Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Grand Kremlin Palace

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GamersBlock's Avatar GamersBlock
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Hey Everybody!

This is my recreation of the Grand Kremlin Palace, and the Kremlin walls in central Moscow. The walls are in no way to scale, and were merely an artisitc representation of the actual walls surrounding the palace.

The actual palace was built to scale, containing the same amount of windows on the front side. There were some issues with scaling, so I had to get creative on the sides. Having one metre thick walls is really unhelpful when it comes to trying to be to scale and results in some very long frontages with oddly short sides.

The insides are yet to have been designed, but I will keep you posted. Feel free to comment below!

This was built on the AeonEmpire/GamersBlock Server as a place to be a seat of Government when we beging to advertise freely for members. 
See the Forums for more details on the server and the community.
Progress50% complete

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