This Map is an entry in the completed Fall Festival Community Event.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Single Build - Haunted Halloween House

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KoenHendrks's Avatar KoenHendrks
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
Hi everyone,

I have been very inconsistent with my uploads due to my 40 hour -internship, which leaves me little free time.
This weekend I had some spare time to build this for you.

I hope everyone likes this and is doing great !
Once i get more time ill get back to you and update this map with more exterior and some interior.

Yours sincerely,

Koen Hendriks

p.s. Got inspired to do this due to the contest.
  And this picture
Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by KoenHendrks 10/25/2019 6:31:05 amOct 25th, 2019

Fixed trees + outer walls + some deco

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11/12/2019 10:28 am
She/Her • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Artist Princess
CaraRose's Avatar
Well I may say it can't look as Grian's house at all guys
It's not polite to write all these things here about stealing and copying
it may hurt the builder.

Victorian style has several house's shapes we can use to show the style.
So I think you can find thousands of pretty much the same houses 'cause that's the style.
Although the roof looks pretty the same as Grian's BUT there are some roof techniques too which we use every time.

Anyway I just wish we all be nice and kind to builder
He was inspired, made an effort, and spent his time to create this project
We are the community to support creators not to judge and be rude
11/07/2019 12:15 am
Level 40 : Master Narwhal
Proff_C's Avatar
lol...I can see a lot of differences between this house and the one uploaded years ago, and Grian's version...Second Empire Victorian houses do actually exist, so it's a bit of a stretch to say that this has been copied...
10/22/2019 3:43 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
Thecatsfans85's Avatar
This is grian's mansion
10/22/2019 3:47 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
KoenHendrks's Avatar
It's not check de discription, article from 2016 I got the inspiratiom from.

And to say Grian's version, probably inspired by the same article/photo looks better so no © lost.
10/22/2019 2:02 pm
Level 49 : Master Goblin
HueyRRuckus's Avatar
Did you barrow this idea from someone else by chance, with out giving them credit where it was due?

Not to mention, copying someone else's build in a contest is strictly a violations of contest rules.
10/22/2019 3:31 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
KoenHendrks's Avatar
I did not know that.
I just drew something I saw in a movie with some of my own inspiration.

Thanks for noticing


Found the link I got the inspiration from again.
So it wasn't really stolen from anyone, other than the author of this article.
10/22/2019 5:25 pm
Level 49 : Master Goblin
HueyRRuckus's Avatar
The link takes me to a post with a picture of a mansion that looks just like this. That looks hand drawn or painted? Did you draw this? If so kudos to you on that, if should at least credit the artist who did. However...the article was posted / updated on September 10. 2019. Which doesn't altogether validate your claim of 2016 posting. In the above comment. I wouldn't doubt if it had been posted prior to Grain and that he got this idea from that. But,

Grian made this exact build almost block for block from what I can see in 2017. Minus the large tree. You made yours a few days ago.

Maybe he got the idea from this drawing as well. But the dates don't match in my head so I can't call it.

In any case man...I think for starters, I would definitely give credit to Grian. To avoid any further issues there and maybe pull it from the contest as this is clearly copied work and violates the rules of the competition.

Edit: Further more...a very similar build on this was posted 5 years ago on this very site.

Click Here
10/23/2019 4:04 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
KoenHendrks's Avatar
I did give credits to the article at the bottom of the submission page, which is where I got my inspirstion from.

I cant tell you if that was from 2016 or 2019, but it was what inspired so the credit is where it should be.

I can't help I uploaded a build similar to someone elses, because I simply did not know.
10/22/2019 1:50 pm
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
Gameyeeter's Avatar
Nice Build! Looks really cool!
