Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Head Master Ltd. Modern Factory

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Level 37 : Artisan Modder
Welcome Minecrafters !

Today I want to share with you this Modern Minecraft Factory !
It is obvious to say that you need the Flow's HD 1.8 to get the same render ;)
I used an unusual material that totally fit with bricks ! Can you guess what is it ? :D

The building is in 3 parts :
  • First, the office, where talented designers are working hard, but they can relax at the break thanks to the little cafeteria !

  • Next, the factory,  where the heads are made (lots of machines and conveyor belts ^^)
  • Then, the loading bay, when heads are packed into crates and loaded into the lorry

► You can paste this build in your city, but don't forget to credit me.

► I hope you will enjoy it ! Don't forget to give feedbacks ! ;)

Credits to Keralis and Andyisyoda for  their EPIC Inspiration Series :)
Progress100% complete

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