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How to find on server: /warp Helm's Deep

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
Helm's Deep

At Helm's Gate, before the mouth of the Deep, there was a heel of rock thrust outward by the northern cliff. There upon its spur stood high walls of ancient stone, and within them was a lofty tower. Men said that in the far-off days of the glory of Gondor the sea-kings had built here this fastness with the hands of giants. The Hornburg it was called, for a trumpet sounded upon the tower echoed in the Deep behind, as if armies long-forgotten were issuing to war from caves beneath the hills."

- The Lord of the Rings, Book 3, Chapter 7, 'Helm's Deep'


Helm's Deep was a large valley in the north-western Ered Nimrais (White Mountains) below the Thrihyrne, a high, three-peaked mountain. As it wound towards the mountains, it changed from a wide valley with many farms and homesteads to a narrow gorge, at the end of which was the entrance to the Glittering Caves.

At the entrance of this gorge stood the Hornburg, a mighty fortress that was built by Gondor in ages past. After Rohan was granted to the Rohirrim by Gondor, it was used as the defensive centre of the Westfold. During the war with the Dunlendings under Wulf, the Rohirrim under King Helm Hammerhand and many of his people sought refuge in the keep, where they held out during the Long Winter of T.A. 2758–2759. Helm and his horn gave their names to the features of the Deep.

In T.A. 3019, during the War of the Ring, many of the people of the Westfold were again sheltered in Helm's Deep during the Battle of the Hornburg. In this siege, King Théoden, Aragorn II and Éomer led a defence against a horde of Uruk-hai and Dunlendings from Isengard. After both Helm's Dike and the Deeping Wall were breached, the defenders retreated to the Hornburg and gorge, and their victory seemed doubtful. However, the horn of Helm Hammerhand was sounded, and a sortie led by Théoden and Aragorn rode forth, followed by men on foot from the keep, and the defenders of the Caves. Théoden and Aragorn cut through the Orcs and Dunlendings and arrived at Helm's Dike.

Both armies then noticed that many sentient trees from Fangorn, Huorns, had moved to block a possible escape route for the Orcs to the east. Then Gandalf, Erkenbrand, and a thousand men on foot from the Westfold arrived from the north, and charged. The Dunlendings were so terrified of Gandalf that they could no longer fight. The Orcs lost control and ran into the trees, where the Huorns destroyed them. As such, the Hornburg did not fall, and the forces of Rohan were victorious.


Helm's Deep was initially planned out in WorldPainter according to Tolkien's descriptions and sketches of the valley. Once it was on the server, the fortress was planned out in wool, and much of the terrain was improved in order to make it as detailed as possible.

At the end of April 2018, the ArdaCraft community got together for a build day in order to complete the fortress. In a single day, most of the Hornburg was built, and in the next few months the final details were completed. More recently, the gorge and the Thrihyrne were finished using VoxelSniper.

Helm's Deep forms part of a larger project which seeks to recreate Middle-earth in its entirety. Credit goes to Fornad and GuanYu_ for leading this project, and to the entire community of builders for contributing to the build.

Helm's Deep can be viewed from above on ArdaCraft's dynmap. There is no download available, but ArdaCraft is a non-whitelisted server which anyone is welcome to come and explore, provided they have installed our modpack first.

All information can be found on our website.
Progress100% complete

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09/04/2019 3:14 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Wolf Whisperer
These photos look incredibly realistic, fantastic job!
09/06/2019 3:31 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
Thank you! We always strive for realism in our builds.
07/12/2019 12:08 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Elf
Nice not the traditional Helms Deep but I dig it. Surprised Peter Jacksons Helms Deep didn't look more like Tolkien's sketch.
07/25/2019 11:34 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
On our server we'll always follow Tolkien's own ideas and descriptions rather than the movies and fanfiction designs.
Though, following the books often ends up giving us more artistic freedom. It makes building way more fun than when you'd just do another copie of PJ's design.
04/30/2019 11:06 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
When the whole Middle Earth map is done, will that be available for download?
05/01/2019 7:26 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
The download size would be insanely big, i highly doubt it. But tbh it's way too soon to be able to tell. As we're roughly at a 20-25% completion of the entire map after more than 4 years.
05/01/2019 12:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Fiddlesticks. That's a big map. So you're telling me that, statistically speaking, we're looking at another 12 years of work?
05/03/2019 6:17 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
We'll see how long it takes, it's a fun hobby that keeps us going. Generally we are kind of growing at all times with our core playerbase, and we're working on new methods to increase the speed in building cities and stuff.

Anyways, you can hop onto the server at any time you wish, it's completely open for people to join.
05/02/2019 3:44 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Network
It’s hard to tell! For us, it’s about the journey rather than the destination.
04/30/2019 10:50 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
wow. Tolkien would be proud.
