Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Hide and Seek | The Lab

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Level 30 : Artisan System
New Update:  The freedom update!  Read update log for more details!
Current version:  Release 1.5

This is a fully created vanilla hide and seek game.  This map is called:  The Lab.  You are in a fully developed lab that is working on cloning experiments and many others and your goal is to stay hidden from the seeker.  Once the seeker finds you, you become a seeker and help find the other players!  Over time we will have many updates to this map, including cheat prevention and new rooms and many more things!
If you want to record the game, feel free!  We would like it if you add a link to this post.  If you would like to record with the creators, please private message MinecraftTechy with a link to your channel and we would be happy to record with you!
Please note that this map has randomizers which are broken in 1.8.7, we reccommend that you play in 1.8.1 for best results.  (We are currently testing other versions of 1.8)

If you are interested in seeking out all the different maps, please click on this link to go to a folder which will have all of the Hide and Seek maps created by the Diamond Builders building group.  (Link opens in new window)

Diamond Builders
Creating great maps since 2015
This map was created by Daniel_Edits and MC_Hunters
Founders of Diamond Builders
CreditMC_Hunters, Daniel_Edits
Progress25% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Daniel_Edits 07/16/2015 12:49:24 pmJul 16th, 2015

Lots of work was done for us to release a major update!  We are calling it the freedom update because:
We have added a few new rooms, access to the courtyard, and a shop that you can get perk and more from!
New rooms:
Heads offices
Medical room

Access to the courtyard:
Across from medical room and from the old power generator room

What's in the shop:
Purchase a higher opertunity to play as a hider!
Purchase a higher opertunity to play as a seeker!
Purchase a hider locator to find the nearest hider!

We are aware that there are glitches in the shop and will have them fixed ASAP

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07/16/2015 2:32 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Nice one! Hope you make more of these maps!
07/16/2015 3:19 pm
Level 30 : Artisan System
We are working on saving one that got messed up, so it might be a while sorry!  But glad your excited!
07/16/2015 3:35 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Did you check out any of mine?
07/17/2015 8:29 am
Level 30 : Artisan System
Indeed I did :)  they looked cool!
07/11/2015 1:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Nice idea!  Keep up the great work!  ;)
07/11/2015 2:02 pm
Level 30 : Artisan System
Thanks!  Hope you check back when we release the next update! :)
