Minecraft Maps / Complex

Hogwarts Castle (Prisoner of Azkaban Videogame) (1.14.4)

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Bl4k3's Avatar Bl4k3
Level 32 : Artisan Procrastinator
"The Dementors Are Coming..."

Alright, here we are, once again. Another Hogwarts build?! Yes! And more than just that, a build I've wanted to do for years now, not even joking, countless of tries along the years since 2015 (probably), and I've finally done it: Hogwarts from my favourite videogame adaptation of Harry Potter, the Prisoner of Azkaban.

If you played my previous map, you'll notice that the castle (at least the main building from outside) is pretty much the same, and that's because this is the same one completely revamped in every single aspect, with the terrain surrounding it upgraded to fit the third game of the first trilogy, and this is not the only thing that has been changed, let's not forget the interior! Which has been built in a separated area, since, you know, it's literally impossible to fit it in the actual castle, it does not match up.

What has changed?
Aside from changing some things in the exterior previously featured in the last map, the Clock Tower and the Wooden Bridge have been added and connected to the new Hogwarts Grounds, Hagrid's Hut has been moved to a new location too. I also added the Whomping Willow (built originally by khamelion81).
The Quidditch Pitch has also been tweaked, it's a little shorter (because of a scale mistake from my part, which I was absolutely lazy to fix xD), now it's internal structure it's visible, like in the game.

When it comes to the interior, it's completely new:
Some locations return from the previous map, like the Entrance Hall, the Grand Staircase, the Gryffindor Common Room, among others, but feature differences regarding their structure, from example, or have different details. There's a lot more to explore, like the Dungeons, or the secret passages that connect different floors of the castle.
No Spell Challenges once again, as I expect to make them in a separate map, including the one from the previous two games.

I recommend to play this at 50& of brightness.

This is NOT an adventure map, it's just a map that you can pick up, and use it for whatever you want.

It may work in 1.16 and later, but the Resource Pack has not been updated to that version, so you won't have any custom textures.

Resource Pack by Zeon_Blacktooth.
Quidditch Pitch original design by Dalaxys.
Whomping Willow by khamelion81.
Progress100% complete

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