Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Huge Fantasy Mushroom Cottage

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charliecustard's Avatar charliecustard
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Build Overview
With the help of world edit I was able to build this mushroom cottage in 23 hours.

Originally I was only going to build the cottage itself but as I progressed with the build I decided that the cottage would be best suited to a hilly and vegetational environment. I then decided to expand either side of the cottage and have two towers with a bridge between them and a small town on the other side. Some people might call this the "mushroom empire" but I decided to stick with the name "mushroom cottage" as the main part of the build is the cottage itself and was always the focus from when I started building.

This was a fun build because I never had a clear plan from the start. I just went with whatever felt right as the build progressed. If I had known this map would turn out like this I probably would've made a custom terrain for the build in World Painter. Although I'm still very happy with how it turned out.

Mods used:
World Edit
Replay Mod

There will be a download available eventually for this map but I'm not releasing it yet.
For now, if you are interested; you can watch the timelapse of me building this on my YouTube channel. (Linked on this post)

Also note:
A lot of viewers here might be shocked with this being my first ever post on Planet Minecraft but I can assure you this is not my first ever minecraft build. I've been building in Minecraft for many years now. I've only just decided to start timelapsing and showcasing what I do.

I hope you like this build! I have many more to come so watch this space :)
Progress100% complete

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07/17/2021 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DiamondD125's Avatar
I wish I could download it lol! Looks so pog
07/17/2021 8:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
shyaamanth's Avatar
how to download this
07/17/2021 4:31 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
l-otachan-l's Avatar
look awesome!
07/17/2021 4:05 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Architect
Auseawesome's Avatar
Really nice build!
