Minecraft Maps / Other

IJAMinecraft Working Death Star

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Level 20 : Expert Miner
It is a huge death star and is fully functional.

-50+ command
-Very impressive
-You can use the "/ function ijaminecraft: help" command to see how to generate a planet (I described it because it can be destroyed with the Death Star)
Progress100% complete

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10/27/2021 3:26 pm
Level 43 : Master Artist
E: Wow, great job! All I was missing was a hidden but fast exit to the outside from which no light is visible, to look at the laser and be amazed. But I quickly made it myself : )

DE: Wow, super Arbeit! Mir fehlte nur noch ein versteckter, aber schneller Ausgang nach draußen aus dem kein Licht sichtbar nach außen scheint, zum Laser gucken und staunen. Den hab ich mir aber schnell noch geschaffen : )
