Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Illa Badia - 2048 x 2048 Mediterranean Island

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Juancy's Avatar Juancy
Level 50 : Grandmaster Taco
So yeah, the last map I posted was kind of a disaster. Not many people liked it and I ended up not liking it myself, mostly because it was very flat and boring. Now I have done exactly the opposite: an island full of mountains, hills and coves with a rocky coastline. I usually don't like to do this because I have to scale everything down a lot to make it fit in a world that my notebook can handle, but I've got to admit I'm pretty happy with the results. This is a personal project, but figured I'd post it here to get some feedback, and maybe make someone's day with my map.

I named the island Illa Badia, which literally means "Bay Island" in Catalan, basically because it is inspired from Mallorca (you'll notice the resemblance inmediately if you search it up on Google Maps) and it has a bay. As simple as that. Again, ocean border, no caves and just one biome. It is meant for creative mode but you can just use it for whatever you want. I also left the heightmap for public in case anybody wants to create their own version.

Same as last time, if you're going to download this, please use the texture pack I'm providing. Seriously, everything will look like volcanic wasteland without it.

And here's a tip for toaster PC owners like me, if the world you want to render is too big for your puny CPU, use the parallel projection mode to render it all by sections and then put it all together on MS Paint or Photoshop. Just came to my mind while making this map and it's a great trick, you can see it in the thumbnail.
CreditTo the BlueprintMC Server team for making the resource pack
Progress100% complete

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06/18/2019 11:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Drivt's Avatar
Awesome map! I really enjoyed it.
