Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Immersive Railroading: Bio-Diesel Production Plant

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Gmavrick's Avatar Gmavrick
Level 23 : Expert Dragonborn
This is the second of my Immersive Railroading Mod Building. Unlike the Roundhouse, yall can completely change the layout of this building. Hopefully if everything loads correctly, you should have all the materials ready to go to be able to move your machines inside around as you need.

The Brick Building was built and designed by me.

The Farm layout is based on design by ColtCoyote

Progress85% complete

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11/18/2018 12:04 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Engineer
Minecreep44's Avatar
Hey, nice work! The roundhouse too! I am also working on a Train map but Its About 5000x5000 blocks hehe. Its a nice Inspiration for me ;-)
