Minecraft Maps / Other

Infinitedly Generating Floating Islands world

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CrimsonDawn45's Avatar CrimsonDawn45
Level 40 : Master Modder
if you remember back to the olden days of Minecraft there used to be a world type called "floating islands" using
the custom world generation combined with advanced settings I have made a world that naturally and infinitely
generates huge floating islands this world is perfect for If you are wanting to build a city on a floating island because
floating islands are EVERYWHERE all land is massive floating islands floating over a ocean and I also took
the time to make this survival friendly by making ores spawn more often because there is less land and moving them
up higher so they generate in the floating islands and I got the height where the islands do generate pretty high but
you still have quite alot of froom for building

Ive had this world for awhile now ive been tweaking it and refining it using the custom world generation settings
to make floating islands naturally generate and I have FINALLY got it working and ironed out alot of problems
like more lag then there should be or villages in the midde of the ocean

please refrain from using this world on a server because I spent alot of time on this world and I am going to have
a server set up that uses it. also you are free to use this world as terrain for building your projects but if you do
could you please message me and show me because I would love to see what people can make with
this also when the server is up I might actually allow you to do a major buiding project on our server
so people can visit in in person and possibly watch it being built and if you build it on the server if/when
its up message me with the coords and I will send you a file you can use as a download

if you have any problems with the download please tell me and I'll try to get to
it as soon as possible and please keep in mind that I'm busy most of the time
and it may take several days for me to respond

Download Link:
click me
Progress100% complete

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06/03/2018 11:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
V3rtualN1ghtcore's Avatar
Can I query about how you accomplished this? My brother and I are planning on creating our own server with floating islands as well as normal land mass. We've been planning to do this for over a year but haven't gotten it started because of some glitches and other complications that this could help with.
