Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Item Based & Shulker Box Based Chunk Loaders

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Kahyxen's Avatar Kahyxen
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Minecraft 1.16.5

2 new designs for chunk loaders

Item based chunk loader (IBCL)

Uses pistons to align an item and a slime block to launch it through a nether portal. IBCL are useful as they don't break on crashes due to minecart stopping on rails. At worst the items will get stuck in a corner and despawn. However they require that you align the item which takes awhile. I specifically design this to remove the need for a hopper minecart as they are laggy. Side note, I made a mistake in the explaination of the video, IBCL only uses droppers.

Shulker-box based chunk loader (SBCL)

New style of chunk loaders. Using shulker boxes have the advantage of not needing alignment on initial placing, however when lauching it with a slime block, it received some random momentum. This can be mitigated by completely enclosing the receiving side of the portal. Additionally it has the advantage of the shulker box item despawning in the case of a crash in which the item loses all momentumn or get stuck in some other way.

Edit: Carved pumkins won't work as there is no way to prevent random tick nether portal pigmen

I design the IBCL first but upon realising that it would not be suitable for data transmission across the nether roof I came up with the SBCL. I was unsure if I should just post the SBCL, but came to the decisions to post both as I have not seen any other SBCL and may have just been lucky enough to not come across any reliability issues. As such this build is for people who wish to try either a new design of an old concept or a new concept entirely.Please contact me through either the comments or discord if you encounter any issues as I would like to hear about any potential problems and work on a solution.

Video Links:
Explaination: youtu.be/CfxT0IZV_Mc
Planet Minecraft: www.planetminecraft.com/project/item-based-amp-shulker-box-based-chunk-loaders/
Download: drive.google.com/file/d/1tWYN-hjs3dDfdFrGMyDukyyOq71vowTr/view?usp=sharing

General Links:
Personal Group: discord.gg/PU335C28rF​​​
MelonTech: discord.gg/99VW52r​
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