Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Jabba's Palace

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Level 72 : Legendary Fish
Since a new Star Wars is coming out, I felt inspired to do something Star Wars-y.

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You are not permitted to:

Claim this build as your own.
Publish any image or video of the build without credit.
Use this build for commercial purpose.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Progress100% complete

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04/07/2021 6:24 pm
Level 47 : Master Wizard
why does this build not come with the hill it was built on?
04/06/2021 4:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
03/28/2021 4:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
03/27/2021 4:29 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
Who's here because of Rendog's video?
03/27/2021 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I'm here bc of him but i can't download the world bc its no zipup data do you know what I need to do to download it ?
03/27/2021 6:55 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
World Edit I guess
03/10/2021 4:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can you tell me the dimensions of the first layer of blocks, because I am unable to download the schematic.
02/06/2021 4:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is there a materials list for this? I was thinking of building it in my survival world and I am not sure what blocks to use or how many I need.

Great renders, you did an amazing job
02/11/2021 1:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
If you download it as a schematic and use the fabric Litematica mod, it provides a material list. Litematica allows for the material list to be saved as a CSV file, and I grabbed it for you. The cyan terracotta is for the mountainous base and can be replaced with stone without missing too much if you do not want to gather all of it like me.
| Material List for schematic 'jabbaspalace (Converted Schematic)' (1 of 1 regions) |
| Item | Total | Missing | Available |
| Brown Concrete | 17372 | 17372 | 0 |
| Spruce Slab | 16191 | 16191 | 0 |
| Cyan Terracotta | 14938 | 14938 | 0 |
| Dark Oak Planks | 3305 | 3305 | 0 |
| End Stone Bricks | 2753 | 2753 | 0 |
| Spruce Planks | 2654 | 2654 | 0 |
| Soul Sand | 2248 | 2248 | 0 |
| Spruce Stairs | 2105 | 2105 | 0 |
| Brown Wool | 1751 | 1751 | 0 |
| Brown Terracotta | 1612 | 1612 | 0 |
| Sand | 1597 | 1597 | 0 |
| Smooth Sandstone | 1576 | 1576 | 0 |
| Gray Terracotta | 1455 | 1455 | 0 |
| Jungle Stairs | 1107 | 1107 | 0 |
| Black Stained Glass | 960 | 960 | 0 |
| Granite | 938 | 938 | 0 |
| Spruce Fence | 550 | 550 | 0 |
| Cut Sandstone | 474 | 474 | 0 |
| Brown Concrete Powder | 421 | 421 | 0 |
| Polished Andesite | 372 | 372 | 0 |
| Terracotta | 285 | 285 | 0 |
| Sandstone Slab | 265 | 265 | 0 |
| Sandstone Stairs | 220 | 220 | 0 |
| Stone Brick Slab | 71 | 71 | 0 |
| Cobblestone Wall | 62 | 62 | 0 |
| Sea Lantern | 56 | 56 | 0 |
| Polished Granite | 49 | 49 | 0 |
| Oak Stairs | 20 | 20 | 0 |
| Torch | 20 | 20 | 0 |
| Gray Wool | 12 | 12 | 0 |
| Oak Trapdoor | 9 | 9 | 0 |
| Chiseled Stone Bricks | 3 | 3 | 0 |
| Lever | 3 | 3 | 0 |
| Item | Total | Missing | Available |

It is a beautiful build and I am glad I built it. I turned one of the floors into a villager trading hall with a nice arching end brick ceiling. Hope this helps.
12/24/2019 8:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I would love to try building this as part of a project I am working on for a friend in survival, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the schematic to work. I was wondering what programs people use these days to convert schematics for use in 1.13+. I have been finding workarounds with loading schematics in 1.12.2 and then pushing the worlds forward through MC itself, then using something like Schematica/Litematica to make in game blueprints to build off of, but I can't seem to get that to work correctly as some of the blocks in this build are apparently not recognized by MCedit in 1.12.2. If you, or anyone here, has any suggestions on how I can get this to work, I would appreciate it. I don't have admin access and it's a survival world, so pasting it in isn't an option. Thank you in advance for any help that can be provided.
